Chapter 1

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  The Water King led his forces into the Fire Territory; the majority of his army was still back in the north, although there was a battalion creating a diversion further west. Young and eager to prove himself, King Wave was leading this attempt to take out the youngsters before they would grow into soldiers, then a threat to his home.

The operation was only tactical, so no personal feelings towards the young dragons who would be inevitably caught up. He would not - could not - think that one day he may regret his actions when he had his own children, and this, this was the world he had brought them into.

The first nest was empty, the second was not. Six new hatchlings were tumbling around the cave, the black sand keeping them warm and cushioning their tumbles. The guard and mother stood at the front, both young, both protectors. Protected by their moat of fire, the hatchlings were safe from any ground predators.

But dragons could fly.

Three water dragons leapt at the fire dragon guard, who yelped and snarled as he fought for his life, backing along the ridge high up the mountainside. The clouds were dark; the sky contained tints from the volcanoes nearby as the sun struggled to reach the black ground below.

Wave turned his gaze to the female, who stood in front of the six hatchlings - now nudged to the back of the cave - her long white teeth bared as a glow grew in the back of her throat. Leaping forwards, the king placed his jaws around the fire dragon's ruby neck whilst his ivory claws tore at her shining wings.

The female snarled as he bit down, crushing her hollow bones with his teeth. Giving one last roar as red wings thrashed at him, her claws fell away from the king's cerulean scales before being pushed off his sculpted body.

Stepping over a bloodied blue water dragon's body, he stepped towards the hatchlings, glancing around to check the fire guard. The pitiful thing was still clawing at the remaining water dragon as rocks were pushed over the edge of the cliff and down to the bottom.

The miniature dragons were huddled at the back of the cave as their eyes followed his every move as the king moved towards them. Curiously, he moved his head down to inspect them; they all had tiny golden flecks upon their scales, something that was new to the warrior who decided their fate. Picking up the largest hatchling in his paws (after sitting down), he looked closer at the golden flecks, then picked up more hatchlings.

"Stop. Put the hatchlings down," a voice said from behind. Turning around, Wave saw the young male bare his teeth, some of which still had traces of blood on them.

"No," growled the King; his wings and scales became wet as water ran over them, offering some protection from the fire that would be sure to come. Quickly glancing towards the exit, he saw the last water dragon who had been fighting just lying there, throat torn open as her eyes were fixated upon her King.

"They have done nothing to you-" the fire dragon began.

"Yet. But soon they will grow up, and what will they become under your king's leadership? What horrors will they see? How many lives will they take before someone takes theirs?" Wave interrupted, stalking forwards, only one paw holding half the hatchlings as the others squawked behind him.

"Better they have a chance of life with each other than it being ended so young," the guard snarled back, flames dancing along his claws as the young fire dragon shifted into a position ready for attack.

"Let me take these, and I will leave the rest here. Or I will kill them all," Wave said, standing tall as he looked down upon the dragon at the exit.

Whining, the young male stood aside and watched as three young hatchlings were taken by the king. Wave returned the young guard's gaze, impressed by his decision, as he crouched in order to leap into the air.

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