Chapter 21

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   They were flying, that much would be obvious to any that saw them. But Ember felt relieved to feel her wings bite through the air once again, the past day she had spent in a deep, dark cave that was guarded by some guardian with some sort of attitude problem. She had not been able to spread her wings in that place where water ran down the walls when it rained, at least, when she hoped it was raining. So now that she was flying through the early morning air to wherever this meeting place was, made her want to push down her fire again, rather than let it out and consume her. Over a dozen dragons had been sent with messages as soon as they got to this place, wherever it is, that they had looked Ember in a cave after seeing the king of a different world. Why? Because they still thought that she was some sort of spy.

   Ember noticed that they were heading southwest, but that was all that she knew, and that one piece of information was not due to being told, but by working it out by the sun rising in the west. The sun was fairly high in the sky, midday had come and gone a while ago when they were on the wing. Ember had forgotten about the geography of the world she had hatched in, although she thought that she was in a place that was important in some way, the hills and turned into the highest mountains she had ever seen, and had gotten so high that flying over them was too much effort, flying around their ginormous bases was quicker.

   The dragon at the front started to descend, the other six, including Ember, followed, and soon they landed in a clearing, in what seemed as a completely random spot, which would be what anyone would have thought if two black dragons weren't stood in the darkness of the trees, their scales helping the dragons to almost disappear. The male black dragon, who Ember quickly assumed was Midnight, time changed appearances, so over eight years had changed Midnight, Shade and especially Ember, a lot.

  "Ember? It has been a long time which I haven't seen you in." Midnight said, careful not to step into the light.

   "Surprise! I am a couple of days early, but I have a lot of news. Is this everyone who is coming?"

   "No, It's not. Is what I have been told true? If it isn't..."

   "It is true."

   "Why have some of your scales got a green tinge to them, it looks weird."

   "Green sky, land, dragons, food, water, nearly everything was green. I think that they will probably go if I stay on this planet for a while."

   "Okay, follow me." Midnight turned without a reply, Shade followed, Ember started walking after them.


   To say that the place was ugly would be a lie.

   Trees of different colours glowed lightly, their light pink trunks holding the branched, therefore the leaves, up above the heads of the dragons. A constant crashing of, Ember assumed as some sort of liquid like the horrendous burning water, echoed through the valley. Tall mountains, larger than the ones they had flown around, cupped the valley, like an egg that had its top cut away, leaving those inside able to watch the day. In the centre of the circular shaped valley, was the largest tree that Ember had ever seen, as she had seen many trees during her flights. The trees were almost as high as the mountain that hid the fortress on Humanyos, but it was a tree. The tree had a feeling of magic, life and importance cloaked around it, the trunk was the same colour as the smaller trees, although the trunk of this tree seemed to glow in the daylight. The branches held thousands, if not millions, of leaves on a single one. The branches spread over an island surrounded by a glistening liquid, one that dragons of all species could drink and touch, at least, that is what Ember thought. In the liquid was little islands, just large enough to lie down on of different substances, firestone, ice, earth, the list went on. The sky felt different, it must have been different, Midnight and Shade stood openly under the daylight, something that should not have been possible for Shade, as she was a shadow dragon.

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