Chapter 11

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I'm guessing this chapter is shorter then the others... I don't know... enjoy!


Ember woke when she felt the dragon land. She looked at her surroundings, the sky was green. "Why is the sky green? Where are we? Who the heck are you." She asked when the dragon landed, the dragon had dark blue scales, midnight blue, the spikes were an ultramarine blue.

The dragon chuckled, "You will find out. Tell me your name, I'll find out soon enough."

"Ember." She answered. "What's yours?"

"You'll find it out if the Queen thinks that you should know it."

"Queen? What Queen?" Ember asked. "Why is the sky green anyway? Where are we?"

The dragon laughed, "I believe you have met her already." Ember's heart sunk, it was the dragon from her dreams. "The sky is green because it is, we are, for your information, not on your world Ballasmara, so don't try to leave, you'll get nowhere or die." He dropped Ember onto the ground, which was hard, cold and dark green. Ember got up and looked at the dragon, who started walking towards a mountain. A path ran from the flat part that they had landed on to the mountain. She hurried to catch up, she didn't like her chances of living in this new barren world.

There were mountains in the distance all around, but the mountain they were heading to was on its own, the area around it was flattish and barren, a few weird looking trees every few hundred meters. The area was sterile of life.

She caught up with the other dragon, but remained a couple meters behind him. They walked for about three hours, the sun remained high in the sky. "Can you take me back to Ballasmara please?"

The dragon didn't answer.

"Can you take me back to Ballasmara please!" She said louder.

The dragon still didn't answer.

Ember pounced on his tail. "Can you take me back to Ballasmara please!"

The dragon spun around. "No. Shut up and learn some mannners."

Ember closed her mouth. She walked slowly for a second, before walking at the same pace as before, so she was still behind the dragon. They walked in silence, both observing the area around them, Ember was observing because this place was new to her and she was taking in as much as she could, the dragon in front of her was observing for danger, at least that was what Ember thought he was looking for.

About an hour after their argument, the mountain was looming above them. Ember looked up at the mountain, and instead found a hill with a large fortress sitting on top if the hill. The fortress was made to look like a mountain, the top angling into a point, which was surrounded by black and dark green clouds, this was not a good place to be.

They walked to the base of the hill, where there was a gate, a ginormous dark green gate, the gate was made of stone, black with green streaks running through it. The dragon approached the gate and stood in front of it, the gate remained motionless. Then, with a screech and a bang, the gate started moving, when it was moving, the gate was silent.

The dragon looked at Ember, who was standing a couple of meters behind him. She walked closer. "Walk to my right, and be quiet." He hissed. Ember did as he asked, walking to his right, her feet silent on the dark stone.

They walked through tunnels until they entered a ginormous hallway, the ceiling went upwards, like a cathedral, the walls went outwards, the sides now a half minute walk away from the middle, a minute walk from side to side. A pair of ginormous doors, made of the same rock as the gates, took up one whole side of the room, it was these doors that they started heading to.

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