Chapter 12

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Midnight was pacing. He walked around the cave. His King was watching him, confused.

"So, why are you so angry?" Prism asked, his face showing his confusion.

"You know the dragon from the prophecy, one of the eight, but another joins?" Midnight said, stopping.

Prism nodded.

"Well, that stupid soon-to-be-king-Amluse-of-dragons-and-souls has just taken her to his Queen, in Humanyos! The place where we can't really go, without starting a war, and we have a war to sort out already, we don't need another war!"

"Oh." Prism said, and sighed. "So, what is your plan?"

"Currently? Go over and take her back, and start a war in the process!" Midnight growled.

"Tell you what, let's go to Almaiser, and we can think of a plan there instead, that ok with you?"

"Ok, let's go to Almaiser and cheer everyone up." Midnight sighed.

The galaxy dragon stepped out of the shadows, the dragon created a portal to Almaiser, the King and prince stepped through the portal to their home world, the guards and galaxy dragon itself coming through last before closing the portal.

They stood in a grassy field, a city made of colourful stone rose on a hill opposite, the colours went from purple at the outside, to blue, to green, to yellow, to orange, then red in the middle. A wall surrounded the city, black at the bottom, going lighter towards the top.

Prism started walking towards the city, his scales shining, his guards flanked him, but a couple remained behind to flank Midnight. Midnight noticed that his scales looked dirty compared to his brother's, sighing, he washed them with water, as he wasn't very strong with water, unlike his brother who was very strong with it, he was quite messy at washing his scales. Midnight stopped with the water and glanced down at his brother, who was trying not to laugh, Midnight groaned at his failed attempt to clean his scales. He set his scales on fire. He could control fire very well, and soon his scales were dry and the rest of the muck had been burnt, and no longer on his scales.

Midnight started walking to the city after putting his scales out. He soon was right behind his brother, who was still trying not to laugh at the unamused expression on Midnight's face. They walked to the city, side-by-side, in silence.

"I know how to fill your days up while you are here." Prism said.

Midnight sighed, "Does it have anything to do with me nearly dying, I have a student to find, return to the Guardians, and teach."

"No. I'm being truthful here. You need to improve your water ability." Prism said, finally calming down.

"I suppose so."

"Anyway, a student? You are teaching? Aren't you a little young for the Guardians to teach? And find your student? What happened? Who are you teaching?" Prism said, !I have more questions you know."

"You do not know who all the ears in the nearby area belong to. I trust that the guards are not going to speak of this conversation with anyone?" Midnight looked at all the guards, one by one, in the eye.

"We won't, sire." They all said together.

"I'll have your throats if you don't stay quiet about this." Midnight hissed.

The guards nodded their heads.

"Okay... and on a more cheery note, let's go!" Prism called to them.

They all bowed their heads and started walking.

They walked for another hour through the long grass and flowers before the walls of the city started to rise before them, guards stood on top of the wall, watching from behind the parapets. They stopped in front of the gates, the wall looming high above them, a human would have been dwarfed, never mind a dwarf, Midnight hadn't seen either species with his own eyes, but he was told that they were very small, about the size of half of his lower leg.

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