Chapter 7

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"Ok, now that you have improved your flying, I am going to teach you some history. In the mornings we are going to do exercise, then in the afternoons, we are going to be more academic. After we have gone through history, we will go through the geography of the continent, and the whole world. Then we will look at all the species of dragons, extinct, the new species, the original species, and the current species. Then we will study the different languages of the world, and I will teach you how to communicate with those of different species, this will include the other species of the world. Then I will teach you about the guardians, and what we are fighting against. You understand?" Midnight said, after going through what they were going to do in the next couple of weeks.

"How long will we have to spend on all of this?" Ember asked, five topics, with subtopics.

"Six weeks. Seven days a week, for six weeks. I think I might have forgotten something to..." Midnight thought for a minute, "that's it, you are also going to learn the politics of dragons, and how they work.

"In the mornings, the more physical part, I will teach you how to fly, run, hunt, fight..." Midnight paused for a minute, "...and anything else I need to teach you.

"When we arrive, you will meet the other dragons who are trying to earn a place in the pack, they will test you on everything, and anything they can think of. After three weeks, those that are remaining, will join a family for two weeks, where they will learn how a family operates. After that, you will be tested again for the following for two weeks. Then, those that are still going, will go and gain some experience of being a Guardian for three weeks. Then the top ten members will test you in some way and see if you are suitable to earn a place in the pack."

"Wow, that is a lot. Six weeks before we travel to the Guardians. Three weeks of tests, family for two weeks, tests for two, three weeks experience, then test. So six weeks here, ten weeks plus test. Sixteen weeks, then test before I could become a Guardian." Ember added up.

"Yeah, sounds about right." Midnight sighed. "I completely beleive that you will be able to do it though."

"Of course you do,"Ember said, she added mentally, you pulled me out if my family and my future, you better hope that I will pass. The dark grey dragon from before appeared out of the darkness behind Midnight. Midnight turned when he saw Ember's eyes flick towards the dragon. "What type of dragon are they?" Ember asked. "What are their abilities?"

"This is Ultrasonic." Midnight paused and looked at the dark grey dragon, Ultrasonic, he nodded and faced Ember, "he is a... a... sound dragon. It's kind of hard to explain..."

"Hello Ember." Someone said, it took her a second to realise that it was her voice, and that it came from the dark grey dragon, who didn't even open his mouth. Ember felt her eyes go wide.

"Wha... you can impersonate dragon's voices."

"Yes, and much more." The dragon said it this time in Midnight's voice.

"That is just weird, and useful." Ember murmured. The dragon nodded his head. They heard the sound of a dragon approaching the exit from the cave, Ember looked at Midnight and saw that his wings weren't covered in shadows, then at Ultrasound, who was just not meant to be there. Midnight saw Ember's expression of horror and turned to Uktrasound and whispered something, Ultrasound nodded before taking flight, Ember couldn't hear the sound of his wings. Midnight started flying, silent, Ember gathered what she was supposed to do and took off after them. She couldn't hear their wingbeats, which was unusual.

When they got far enough away, Ultrasound broke the silence, "I can't cancel sound too." In a voice Ember hadn't heard before, it was musical and merry. "This is my normal voice." He said looking at Ember. Ember nodded and noticed that Midbight was very quiet next to them, he seemed to be gazing into the tree. He glances around and saw Ember looking.

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