• Private Conversations •

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"If you reach for my hand one more time I will snap your hand in half," Granger narrowed her eyes at me as she turned, making her way to grab her luggage with Ginny Weasley.

Blaise walked beside me and shook his head at me, "I guess you're not doing as terribly as I thought," he nodded his head past me.

I turned to see Astoria glaring at Granger's back and grinned.

"So, what are you going to do when Astoria tries to kill her?" Blaise smirked.

I waved him off as we neared the piles of luggage, "Granger can handle herself."

"Bloody hell, was that a complement?" Blaise stopped suddenly, slapping his hand against his chest in shock.

Blood rushed to my cheeks and I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm just practicing, Zabini."

I looked up to see Granger juggling three bags as she tried to bend down to pick up her trunk. I sighed and made my way over to her, slamming my trunk on top of hers, "Need a little help, Granger?"

Her eyes bounced around to make sure no one was around, "No, Malfoy. I've got it."

"Actually, you don't got it," I smirked as she started to walk away, I fell in step with her.

"I could have just levitated it, you know?" She rolled her eyes at me.

I shrugged, "I'm your boyfriend, Hermione. That's what boyfriends do."

Her eyes widened in shock but quickly recovered, "Speaking of, we should probably talk about this whole dating thing."

"Library after the feast?" I suggested.

She nodded, "If I can get there without Harry and Ron killing me."

"Just hex 'em. You're the Gryffindor princess, you can get away with anything," I rolled my eyes at her.

She glared at me, "I am not the Gryffindor princess."

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from laughing at her pissed off face. This could be a lot more fun than I thought.

"Whatever you say, Granger."


I've always loved the first day of term. The food was especially good for the first feast and there was an overwhelming excitement in the air.

However, I forgot about having to sit through roughly thirty first years needing to be sorted.

I hadn't been sleeping well lately, what with the excitement of returning to Hogwarts and the whole Ron situation. Because of this, I found my eyes slipping occasionally as I leaned on my hand before my arm shifted and my head fell, shaking myself temporarily out of sleep.

Luckily, no one had noticed.

At least that's what I thought.

I was on the edge of falling asleep again when I heard Malfoy's voice echo in my mind.

Hermione Granger falling asleep while a Professor is talking. This will go down in history.

I jumped, Ginny put her hand on my arm and I shook my head at her, "I'm alright, just tired."

I searched across the Great Hall and saw Malfoy smirking smugly at me, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

Are you using legilimency? I thought, and he rolled his eyes at me.

Yes, Granger. You didn't know you could use legilimency to communicate mentally? I'm disappointed in you, Granger. I thought that you'd live up to your know it all nickname.

I glared at him, Remind me why I'm fake dating you again?

Because you're hopelessly in love with a ginger and using me to get through his incredibly thick head of his, Malfoy raised his eyebrow challengingly.

Says you! You're hopelessly in love with the most stuck up, annoying girl I've met in my life. And I've had the privilege to meet Lavender Brown, I scoffed.

Blaise turned to Malfoy before he had a chance to reply.

I turned my attention back to McGonagall and saw that the last first year was on the stool with the hat on her head.

"SLYTHERIN!" It cried.

Applause rang through the hall.

"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore said, his eyes glinting as he spread his arms out.

Food appeared suddenly on the plates set on the table and Ron dove in without hesitation, Lavender giggling in admiration next to him.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed for a chicken leg, glancing up quickly to meet Malfoy's eyes before my cheeks set on fire and I forced my eyes back down.

• • •
So, I hope you're enjoying the book so far. It's been a lot of fun writing it. Please be patient with me, I will try to update every week.

About this chapter: I have this concept where Draco and Hermione use legilimency to communicate, kind of like reading each other's minds. This does not happen in the book nor is it confirmed possible. I made this up. Hopefully I explained it decently, I've tried this in my past books and people have enjoyed it and also been confused by it.

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