• You Wish Granger •

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Granger was really hitting it off with Pansy, it was really impressive.

And it was driving Astoria up the bloody wall.

It was awesome.

We were on our way back to Hogwarts after sitting around in the three broomsticks and drinking butterbeers together.

Astoria and Theo were leading the group, far ahead of us, Astoria giving what she called 'helpful' tips to Theo about his wardrobe choice.

Pansy was punching Blaise, glaring at him as he was bent over, laughing.

Granger was smiling at the two of them as she walked next to me.

I grinned, nudging her as we walked up the path, "So, how bad was it?"

She rolled her eyes at me, "Shut up. I told you thank you already, I don't know what more you want."

"It's just nice to hear you say it," I smirked.

She shoved me, sighing, "It was a nice change...talking to someone who wasn't disappointed in my life choices or always giving me a pitiful look."

We walked in silence for a while before I broke it, "I'm glad you're not still hung up on weasel. You could do a lot better."

Shit, what am I saying? Why am I saying this outloud?

I immediately blushed, internally knocking myself in the head several times.

I risked a glance at Hermione, her lips were pulled up in the corner and her cheeks were tinted red. I couldn't tell if she was blushing or if it was from the cold.

"A lot better... like you?" She winked up at me, smirking.

Damn, the way she smirks.

I cleared my throat and shrugged, smiling, "Hypothetically, yes. Better... like me."

She laughed before turning to me, stopping her movements and studying me for a second, "Malfoy, what do you see in Astoria? I mean, really, she barely even registered Pansy and I were there in the three broomsticks. She's rude."

All the lightheartedness drained from my face and I sighed, "I don't know, Granger. I started to like Astoria in sixth year, that was sort of my 'rebellious stage' as parents like to call it. My mother despised Astoria, mostly because my father approved," I cleared my throat, avoiding her scrutinizing eyes, "Really, she's not that bad when you get to know her."

I looked over and she looked like she wanted to say something but decided not to.

We started to walk again, in a somewhat uncomfortable silence.

That is, until a snowball hit me square in the face.

I sputtered, searching for Blaise or Theo, but Granger was holding her stomach and laughing, her right glove full of snow.

I stared at her incredulously, "Did you just throw a snowball at me, Granger?"

She smirked, tossing another snowball up into the air and catching it, "And what are you going to do if I did?"

I grinned, shaking my head at her before bending down and scooping snow into snowballs, "Oh Granger, I almost pity you."

She laughed, her eyes closed the way they always do when she laughs, her face scrunches up and her dimple shows clear as day.

It was the peace before the storm.

I was the first to launch the snowball, hitting her forehead. She gasped and shrieked, laughing, before throwing two right at my chest and chin. Snow slid down my shirt and I shivered.

I hit her just below the ear and she grinned, "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy."

I grinned and launched another at her back.

We continued to shower snow on each other before I threw one too hard, hitting her square in the stomach.

She slipped on the ice and fell to the ground.

"Hermione!" I exclaimed, swearing as I all but ran over to her.

I frowned down at her.

She was laughing.

"Are you alright?" I asked, half worried, half amused.

She grinned, wheezing, "You missed."

"I most certainly did not-" Hermione had grabbed my leg and pulled, pulling me to the ground, face first into the snow bank.

She exploded into laughter while I brushed off the snow, trying to get it off before it made my face numb. I gave her a look, "I'm very happy that was amusing to you."

I was kneeling in the snow, the snow soaking into my pants, making me shiver.

She grinned, "Consider me amused."

She began to brush herself off, getting rid of the snow.

Before I even registered what I was doing, my hand was in her hair, brushing away snow.

Hermione sort of stiffened and met my eyes, teasingly raising her eyes at me.

My cheeks set on fire and I cleared my throat, "Sorry, there was snow in your hair..."

Her eyes were the color of deep sienna, with a mischievous glint that seemed to reflect the corners of her mouth, which were fighting a smile. They were every shade of brown you could imagine, a raw umber and caramel mix, dotted with bits of dark chocolate. They glow with humor and playfulness that gives you shivers and wraps you in a warm embrace at the same time.

"Oi! Get a room!" We turned to see Blaise, Pansy, and Theo standing ten feet away, leaning against the castle entrance.

Theo lowered a camera to smile at us, waving three pictures at us as the fourth was being spit out of the camera.

I'm getting those pictures.

I stood, offering Hermione my hand.

She took it and allowed me to pull her to her feet, grinning at me, "I won that snowball fight, by the way."

She turned and walked toward the others, I stared after at her, shaking my head at her, "You wish, Granger."

• • •

Thinking of writing a poetry book... I've used poetry to sort of process all of my crappy and happy teenage emotions and I've got quite a few poems now and I'm proud of them and want to share them.

Maybe I might even publish a book on amazon for poetry. My cousin did.

Thoughts? Would you guys even consider reading poetry by me?

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