• What Do You Want •

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"Harry, there's a reason I told McGonagall I didn't want to be a prefect this year," I narrowed my eyes at him.

He sighed, helplessly, "Well I didn't realize we were playing Ravenclaw saturday and I had to call an emergency practice. I forgot I had to do rounds tonight."

I shut my textbook and sighed, "I said no to McGonagall for two reasons. One, you and Ron do too much sketchy, dumb stunts that I'd 100% have to catch you doing and take points away from Gryffindor, which would not be anywhere close to being enjoyable," Harry shrugged, sheepishly, "Two, I wanted this year to be more laid back, less responsibility, you know?"

"You're dating Malfoy, 'Mione. You practically have to have him on a leash," Ron scoffed.

Ginny grinned from her place by the fire in the common room, "Only when they role play."

She winked at me and my cheeks fumed, "Knock it off."

"Please, 'Mione," Harry continued, tapping his broom restlessly against the sofa, "I'll owe you one."

I laughed, "At this point you owe me at least 85 'ones'."

"Come on, 'Mione," Ginny sighed, straightening her quidditch practice gear, "Take Malfoy with you, make it a little more exciting."

Ron grimaced, "Or, you could go alone?"

I sighed, pressing my hands against my cheeks to try and tame the redness spreading around my face, "Alright, fine. I'll do it."

Harry sighed, relieved, "Thank you, 'Mione, you're the best."

I waved him off, rolling my eyes at him, "Yeah, yeah."

"Harry, I'll meet you at the pitch. Hermione and I are going to the Slytherin common room to convince Malfoy to come along," Ginny stood, cupping the side of Harry's face and leaning down to kiss him.

Harry grinned, pulling her towards him by hooking an arm around her waist.

She giggled as she practically fell into his lap.

Ginny. Giggled.

Ron coughed loudly, his jaw locked.

I grinned, it was like watching a movie.

Ginny captured Harry's bottom lip between hers before pulling away, running her hand through his hair quickly before winking at Ron.

I smiled almost wistfully at her and Harry, when will I find someone who acts the way Harry acts around Ginny, like he's positively in love.

Ginny called my name and I stood, realizing she was already at the portrait.

Ginny and I walked out of the common room and didn't get too far before she startled me out of my thoughts, "How do you feel about Malfoy?"

I stared at her, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what do you think about him?" Ginny raised an eyebrow at me, expectant.

My eyes flew away from hers immediately and I shrugged, looking at the ground as we walked, "I don't know. He's-"

Why can't I talk?

"He's changed, I guess. He's not overly rude, I guess. His whole bad guy act even slips sometimes. It's kind of cute, actually. We're in the middle of doing something and he'll do it just out of nowhere and when he realises he did something sweet his face will get all red, but only under his eyes, and then he'll say some insult that he doesn't mean," I laughed, thinking about the snowfight we'd had.

Ginny hadn't said anything so I looked to catch her grinning.

When she faced me, her eyes had a little- almost twinkle to them. They shone bright as we walked down the dark corridors.

"He seems like a good guy, Malfoy," she said casually.

I smiled a little, "Yeah, yeah, I think he is."

Malfoy was swimming around in my head, always smiling, always laughing. His platinum hair obscuring his eyes, blue diamonds thrown into the pool of gray. But every time I'd see him, Astoria would loom over his shoulder, causing the images to shatter down, bringing me back to reality.

I sighed, "His plan seems to be working though, Astoria seems more and more jealous each day."

"Do you want him to make up with her?" She asks, but I barely hear her.

I shake my head, "No. Malfoy's too good for stuck up, spoiled Astoria. She makes him miserable, I just wish he'd see that!"

Ginny nodded, before turning to look at me, "So then what do you want?"

"I don't to be a part of a fake relationship. I want a genuine relationship. Like you and Harry," I frowned, "But I'm happy right now. Doing this fake relationship thing. I don't get it!"

We stopped walking, we were at the Slytherin common room.

Ginny turned to me, her hand on my shoulder, she smiled slightly, "I think I do."

I narrowed my eyebrows at her, "What are you talking about?"

"Go bust some horny teenagers, 'Mione!" Ginny yelled, turning and walking back down the corridor, "Figure out what you want before it's too late!"

• • •
Sorry that was kind of a cliff hanger. Working on the next chapter though so forgive me!

I really appreciate all the positive feedback on this book, I've been hammered lately with critical readers on some of my other books but wadda ya do? Can't please everyone.

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