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        We won. We really won. It's hard to let it sink in. But we really won. And I'm not sure how to react, but I'm so happy. I'm really happy. I'm not even German – yet, but I'm extremely happy. An hour after the game, I get access to my boyfriend and I run up to him and wrap my legs around this waist. I kiss his face and smile at him, whispering that I'm proud of him.

        “You are too excited, dear,” Mario says to me, close to my ear, because there are still too many people to be heard in the stadium, “We haven't reached the finals, not even the second round.”

        “I don't care, you played really well,” I say to him, not sure if he did play well, because I was definitely no expert, but I could say it right? Knowing Mario, he probably did really play well. He kisses my cheek and carries me around the place. He was still dressed in his jersey and he still hadn't showered, but I didn't mind. I really didn't mind that he smelled like sweat and that he still was breathing heavily from running a few kilometers on the massive field. I kiss him again and again and actually I never want to stop kissing him. I slowly let go of him and lower my body. I stand steady on both feet again, smiling widely at him, “So when's the next game?” He chuckles, not sure how to react to me. He checks me out and sees me in his jersey, that I actually got dirty when someone threw a cup of cola down to us. He kisses my neck and takes my hand.

        “I should still teach you how to play football,” he says, as if he just remembered our deal that we made weeks ago. I nod.

        “You really should, because I had no clue what was going on most of the time,” I say, “I should have done some research beforehand.” I'm tired, or more or less exhausted. I'm not sure if I can really focus on the German around me and on the way back to the hotel, I switch back to English accidentally and I ask too often what people are saying. I just need a good night of sleep or just being lazy and watch a movie with Mari on the bed.

        “We're leaving soon to another hotel,” Mario says to me, in English this time. I can't get used to his cute accent and I just want to squeeze his hamster-cheeks because it sounds so cute.

        “Oh, when is that?” I ask, “Please don't tell me it's tomorrow, because I am in no mood to go pack.” Mario grins and shakes his head.

        “No, not yet, but I'm not sure yet when, but it's probably going to be really soon, in two days maybe,” he says and he taps away on his smartphone, playing a game of Candy Crush. I laugh at the little noises his phone makes and I rest my head to the window. I had specifically asked to be put on the bus with Mario, so that I had a headrest, but he is not comfortable enough so I stick to the window and gazing at him. And I still can't believe that he's there in my reach. I close my eyes and I try not to fall asleep, but the bus is kind of calming and it's so silent, besides the noises coming from Mario's phone. My head's bouncing up and down and my eyes go from open to closed. I rest my head in my hand and Mario seems to notice it. He chuckles when he sees me and puts his phone down. He holds up his hand, gesturing that I come rest on him. I let my head sink down on his chest, find a comfortable position and close my eyes. His heartbeat is calming me and makes me even more tired than I initially was in the first place.

        “Wake up sunshine,” I hear next to me and I blink until my eyes are adjusted to the light.

        “Are were there yet?” I ask Mario and he nods. I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up straight. My head is spinning from the nap, but I'll survive. Mario gets up and grabs his back. I get up too and hold on tightly to the seats in front of me to keep me from falling down. I walk out of the bus, up to the hotel. Some of the guys and girls seem a little sleepy as well, but most of them are wide awake and ready to celebrate in the pub downtown. I'm not so sure if I'm up for that, but I don't think I have a choice.

        “So what if I don't feel like getting drunk in the pub?” I ask him. I'm 19, I haven't really had a lot of alcohol before. I mean, I tried beer and that was not my thing.

        “Then you don't get drunk, I'm not forcing you to drink alcohol,” Mario yells from the shower. I am again bowed over my suitcase to see if I have any pub appropriate attire, but I don't really seem to have any. Most of them either look shitty on me or they are too warm or they are too cold.

        “I could also stay here in the hotel and watch TV,” I suggest and I hear him sigh.

        “But babe, I really want you to come with me,” Mario says and I hear him step out of the shower. His feet tapping down the bathroom and then he opens the door to the bedroom. He stands there, in the opening of the door, in all his naked glory. I want to look away, but I am not sure how to do that. I look at him, tracing his muscles with his eyes. I stop at his face and grin, he walks away to get some underwear and it feels like he purposely shows me his nice butt.

        “What was that for?” I ask him when he turns around and smirks at me.

        “What was what for?” he winks and pretends he doesn't know what I'm talking about. I pout at him and he walks off to do his hair in the bathroom. I groan, still not having found anything to wear and I settle for jeans and a casual shirt, because honestly, I couldn't care less. I just prefer to spend my time doing something else, instead of getting drunk. But apparently that's not how the Germans do it. They like to drink beer. Liters of beer. I get dressed and by the time I look good, Mario gets out of the bathroom, spending a long time on his hair, while it kind of looked the same when he stepped out of the shower, but I decide not to comment on that, I just grin at him and laugh internally.

        “So are you ready to go?” he asks me when I'm again on my bed finishing a drawing.

        “I guess I am yeah,” I say, yawning, I get up from the bed and hug him, “I really don't wanna go.”

        “Then stay here, I'll be back in no time,” he says.

        “Nah, I'm all dressed up now, and I don't really wanna stay alone either,” I answer, “Plus everyone is going, it's not like I could hang out with anyone besides myself.”

        “I know, everyone is definitely going, because we're all so happy to have won from Portugal,” he says when we walk down the hallways again.

        “And that's like a big achievement or?” I ask him.

        “Portugal is kinda good. Good players play for the country, but we're obviously better,” he says and kisses my hand.

        “Hmm, okay then,” I mumble, still not excited for what was coming next.

        We decided on walking to the pub, since it was rather close. Actually we checked google maps and I thought walking would be the easiest and might possibly wake me up a little since it was gonna take some time. Mario is in an extremely happy mood, despite the fact that he said at first that it wasn't such a big deal. But I am happy too, for him, for Germany, I just don't feel like celebrating. But I'll put on a happy face. Of course I will.

        When we arrive, Mario obviously orders a beer and I'm unsure what to order, so I pass this round. Mario glares at me and I raise my eyebrow, mouthing that I am not thirsty yet. It's full in the pub, everyone is talking German and it's loud. The bass of the music is strong and it really makes me go to the toilet. I mean, it kind of bangs on my bladder and it makes me have to pee. It's all I can say, I'm sorry. 

         So I make my way to the toilets and I realize this is where Mario and I had our first contact, well not exactly, but in a pub though, and I feel a flutter of a butterfly in my stomach fly past. I instantly smile by the thought. I hope this will be a good night, because I'm not so sure yet.

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