Man Up

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Devonte got out of bed and got ready for work, his job still hadn't told him anything about him staying or leaving but he tried to keep the hope alive. He knew that his chances were slim to none if they found a better candidate than him so he was already looking for other places to work. Keeping his options open was the best thing he could do for the time being just to be on the safe side. However, he was praying that he could stay with TD because that was his dream job. He got in the car and drove to work, the thoughts in his mind running wild.

After he got home last night he saw a missed call from Shirley and she left a voice-mail saying that she wanted to meet with him today. He felt like it was all too soon but the sooner he got everything over with the easier it would be for him to move on with Tanya, or at least that's what he told himself. His entire day at work was full of nerves and distracting thoughts. He couldn't help but to think about how the meeting with Shirley would go, would it end in even more drama or would it bring the much needed closure he yearned so much for in his life. There was a point in time where he thought he loved Shirley, which is why what she did hit him so hard but maybe, just maybe, he was overreacting about it all.

Devonte watched as the clock turned 5:00pm, which meant that it was time for him to get off work. He wasn't his best today at the office and hoped that his boss didn't notice. He didn't need any more of a reason for them to let him go, especially since it seemed like the odds were already against him. What freaked him out the most was that it was time to meet with Shirley, he couldn't help but feel his heart start to beat faster and his hands start to sweat. He wasn't this nervous since his last game back in college. He drove to the Steak 'n Shake down the street, which is where Shirley wanted to meet with him, and turned into the parking lot. As he got out of the car and walked into the diner he hoped that he would've gotten there before her, considering the fact that she most likely didn't know where she was going. One thing about country girls is that they always got lost when they got into the city. He looked around and he was relieved when he didn't see any sign of her, so he walked over to a table and sat down.

"Would you like anything to drink sir?" the waitress asked him.

"Oooh you called me sir, do I really look that old?" he replied with a hurt expression on his face and his hand over his chest.

"No of course not, I was just trying to be polite." she smiled at him.

"Flirting is just in your blood isn't it?" a third voice said. Devonte quickly broke the gaze of the waitress and looked to over to see a tight-lipped Shirley standing with her arms crossed over her chest. The stare she gave the waitress was enough to send her running back to the kitchen without looking back.

"You didn't have to scare her like that." Devonte said as he rolled his eyes.

"Well she was being unprofessional, there is no reason to be all over a customer that has a guest. I could've gotten her fired for that you know." she said as she sat down. "What took you so long anyway, I've been waiting here for you since 4:30."

"You knew I was at work. I didn't even see you when I walked in, you so damn sneaky." he picked up his menu.

"I was in the bathroom and I'm glad to know that you were worried about me, trust me the feeling is mutual." she said as she slowly pulled the top of his menu and placed it on the table. "Now that we're here we can finally talk, I think that it's time we cleared some things up."

"Look Shirley, this conversation needs to be short and sweet. I don't need any of your foolishness. We don't need to make this into a bigger deal than it already is." he said frustratingly.

"What's the rush, do you have someone waiting for you at home Devonte?" she said as she tilted her head slightly.

"Is that any of your business Shirley? Last time I checked you was Fucking and Sucking Darius so my love life is no longer any of your concern." he said as he folded his arms across his chest.

They both glared at each other until Devonte looked away. Even though she was so evil and conniving, she still looked good. It didn't matter to him anymore though, her beauty was empty and dark just like her heart. If anything, he wasn't even attracted to her anymore like he used to be, her pretty seemed dull, like it had lost it's shine.

"We don't gotta be like this Devonte, you know I love you and I always loved you. What happened with Darius was a.......... a mistake." she replied as she quivered her bottom lip.

"How do you mistakenly have sex with my gotdamn best friend Shirley? You have some nerve sitting across from me acting like you all innocent and shit. Oooh you so lucky I don't argue with females or I would've been blew yo ass away!" he practically shouted. He looked around the restaurant and noticed a couple of glares so he decided to try and keep calm for the remainder of the conversation. It wouldn't be hard though cause he was going to end the conversation real soon.

"Look Devonte, I just feel like you never gave me a chance to defend myself. If you really loved me you would've listened to me instead of running away. You didn't even know it but after you caught me and Darius I stopped messing with him and I waited for you to come back. When I called I got no response and your mom wouldn't tell me where you were. I looked every where for you and I feel like that deserves some recognition." she pleaded.

Devonte gave her three slow claps, "That was a great performance Shirley, I forgot how persuasive and manipulative you were. Do you really think I give a damn about what you did after the situation? Point of the matter is you fucked me over and I came here expecting an apology but you're so damn caught up in your own shit that you can't see that. Well I'm done with this conversation, I got the closure I needed so you don't ever need to look for me again. " he got up from his seat and started to walk away then turned and faced her. "Oh and I do have someone waiting for me at home, her name is Tanya." with that he walked away.  

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