Misery Loves Company

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Devonte knew that he made the right choice by leaving California. There was nothing going on for him anymore and it harbored too many bad memories. When he first got the opportunity to go to San Francisco, CA on a full ride scholarship for college he was more than ecstatic to leave and experience something new. He was sick of seeing the same people and knew that he had a better life waiting for him in another state. He was sad to leave his mom and younger siblings behind but he knew that he had to go and get a degree so that he could give them all a better life. He thought about his family more than he thought about himself and that was one of his best qualities. Nothing was more important to him than family.

"Hey mama," he said as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey baby how was work?" she smiled and looked at him.

"It was good. The manager said she likes my work so far and is considering making me a permanent part of the company," Devonte replied happily. Although he was transferred by his old job he knew that there was a possibility he could not get the position he was going for.

"That's great baby!" Mama D exclaimed. She gave her son a congratulatory hug and rubbed his back. She was so grateful that he grew up to be a hard-working man and thanked God everyday for blessing her with such an amazing son.

"Thanks mama."

"Where you headed to now?" she asked.

"I'm going to the gym. I gotta keep all this sexiness intact you know," He replied with a big grin.

Mama D laughed, "Well just make sure that you bring an umbrella because it's about to rain. What gym you going to anyway?"

"The USF gym, it's the closest one to the house and I got the hookup to get me in for free," Devonte knew a guy back from high school that owed him big time and he was paying him back by letting him get inside the schools' gym for free.

"Okay then see you later Tae, and make sure you don't forget to pick up your sisters from school." Mama D waved the spoon in her hand at him.

"I got you Ma." he said then went to his room and changed into his workout gear.

As he drove through his old neighborhood Devonte couldn't help but to reminisce on all the memories of his childhood. When he was younger he would always go to the park with his boys and play football or basketball, which is where his love for sports started. Before his father died he always encouraged him to play sports and supported him at all his games. He began to think about the time he received the news of his father passing. He was on his way to his girlfriend's dorm when he got a call from his mom. When she told him what happened he broke down and cried on the spot. That was his sophomore year in college and even though he was 24 now the memory still hurt. He wiped away the tear on his face and pulled into the parking lot of the gym.

He stepped out of the car and it started to rain, he walked around to get his gym bag from the trunk and as he was about to close the trunk he noticed a girl walking in the rain with no umbrella. He felt guilty so he decided to give her a ride, he wasn't big on giving rides to strangers but she was getting drenched and he didn't want her to get sick. He closed the trunk and got back in the car, then drove up to her.

He pulled down his window and bent his head so he could speak to her.

"Hey, do you need a ride? It's pouring out here and I don't want you to get sick walking in the rain like that," he asked.

She gave him a quizzical look as if she wondered why he was offering her a ride but also seemed a little scared.

"No thank you, I live 2 minutes from here so it really would be pointless of you to drop me off," she told him.

Devonte knew she was scared but he refused to let her walk home in the rain because he remembered the days he and his sisters had to walk home in bad weather and it hit home.

"Trust me I don't bite, and if you really live 2 minutes from here then you won't have to be with me in the car for that long," he calmly replied.

She pondered his response and as she looked off into the distance Devonte couldn't help but notice her eyes. They were light brown and stood out against her dark skin. It reminded him of his high school crush.

She opened the door and got in and Devonte noticed that after she closed the door her hand stayed on the handle.

'This girl wasn't playing no games,' he thought to himself.

"Thank you and sorry for wetting up your car. If I knew it was gonna rain today I would've brought an umbrella with me," she said sweetly.

"No problem, I just had to get you out of the rain. My mother raised a gentleman and no woman should be walking in the rain like that."

Devonte hurried to get her home as she gave him the directions to her place, when he pulled up to her building he waited for her to get out of the car and get inside of the building.

'She didn't ask me for my name, and she barely even looked at me. I guess there are some females that are still shy,' Devonte pondered for a second then drove away.

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