"Lucky night"

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I serve the last customer his coffee as he pays me and leaves on his marry way

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I serve the last customer his coffee as he pays me and leaves on his marry way. I look at the clock to see its 9:00 "quitting time" I said to my coworkers. Are manager came out of his small office and handed us are check. "Pay day the greatest day" I said my coworker smiled while one of them spoke. "You said it ima treat my self tonight" as they started to leave I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at my managers face. "Hey Yn I need you to clean up before you leave" he asked me. I playfully saluted him. "Yes sir" I said he chuckled and left. "Alright let's get this done" I said and walk to the back of the counter and started the annoyance known as cleaning.....but it pays.
Small time skip
After cleaning and making sure everything was working I locked the door to the cafe and proceeded to walk home since I did not have a car. I hummed a tune as I walk down the dark streets of Gotham. I put some ear buds in and play my favorite song as I walk. Unknown to me Two thugs were watching me from far distance. Having the feeling of being watched and endangered I picked up the speed in hope to escape this situation that can go bad real quick. The thugs started to pick up the pace.
Know I can hear the sound of theme practically
Chasing me. "Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap" the sound of there feet hitting the floor eco in my mind as my heart started to pound in my chest out of fear. "Thump thump thump."
As I'm pretty much running at this point I see a ally way....maybe I can loose them. I turned off my phone and tried to hide that and my paycheck in my jacket. I turn a corner and enter the ally way.

I look forward as it starts to rain I put my hood up

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I look forward as it starts to rain I put my hood up.

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Simply lucky(Bat girl/Barbara Gordon x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now