"Day with barbra"

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I open my eyes yawn. I try to reach for my clock. As I try to tap it I just keep hitting air.
I look around to notice I'm not in my apartment room. "What the?" I say confused I sit up in bed and look around the room. "Definitely not my room" I say I get up from the bed. Luckily I see that my clothes are still on. I hear tapping on the floor. I look and see the door open and Barbra came out.
"Morning" She greeted
"You too.......so why am I here" I asked
She looked at me and laughed at something.
"What?" I asked "you came home and you were so tired you just flopped into my arms" she said
Smiling. I chuckle and blush at my embarrassment. "So who's room am I in" I asked "mine" she said casually "but we're did you sleep" I asked "on the couch" she answered
"But it's your home I should be the one on the coach not you" I said frowning. "What think I can't take it" She said with a mean look....but I new it was a joke. "No it's just that....you didn't need to do that for me" I said she seemed to be taken back by that. "Well.........it just felt good letting you have that..... I mean........you deserve it after everything going on" she said with a small tent of a blush but you we're to dense to see. I'm taken back by here words. "Um....thank you....that's really nice of you Barbra" I said
She smiled "any time"she said......I feel like I'm forgetting something..........FUCK MY JOB!
"What time is it" I asked scared
"It's 9" god damit my boss is going to be pissed.
"Sorry Barbra I haft to leave if I'm not there im dead" I said I try to run past her but she grabs me by the caller of my shirt and stopped my dead in my tracks. "Don't worry I told my dad to tell them since........well you know" she said

Why is she doing all this for me. I calm down a little.
"I don't know what to say thank you.......so much" I said..........she reminds me of some one
But who......whatever ill comeback to it later.
She let's go of my caller. "Let's go breakfast is ready" she said. I sigh "Barbra your too sweet on me you could've at least let me do that.....I oh you at least that" I said  she shakes her head. "Nope" She said also wagging her finger.
Seeing that there is no winning I just stop trying. We enter the kitchen she hands me a plate of bacon and eggs. I can make this even better!. "Hey Barbra mind if I approve on your meal.....it's the least I could do......Not that there is nothing wrong with it" I said the last part quickly bit trying to offend her. She just smiled. "Sure just make sure I get first bite" she said "that I can do" I started working my magic while bringing up my phone and listened to my music.

For me it would be this but you can make it whatever
I flow with the beat tapping my foot and humming the tune in my head as I prepare a master peace using the already prepared food.
I add a few more touches and set the plates on the table.

"Enjoy" I said she took took one of the sandwich's and bit into it

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"Enjoy" I said she took took one of the sandwich's and bit into it.....after a few more she completely devoured it as do I.
As she finished her food I took here's and my plate to the sink and prepared to wash but was stopped by Barbra's voice. "You don't need to I'll do that later" she said I sigh and put the dishes down.....why do I feel so useless right know......probably because I'm always working............or endangered. I walk back over to Barbra and sit down. I place a hand on my cheek feeling a slight pain. "Ow" I say quietly
She looked over at me. "You ok" she asked
"Ya......maybe......I don't know" I say
She chuckles. "Wanna tell me how you got these. "She pointed at parts of my face that have either been bruised or burnt.
"Sure" I say I point at my left eye. "I got this I'd say the first time we met before I was there I was making my way home and these thugs decided to get some change per say........I tried to lose them but eventually I got cornered in an ally like an idiot. But before they could get me
I was saved by bat girl...and let me say it was one of the coolest things that's ever happened to me....one of the guys pointed a gun at her but I tackled the guy. I may not have much strength but at least I tried. The guy just hit me with the bud of his gun and bat girl finished them off.....I'm will always be grateful for that day." I said smiling at the memories.
"What about the rest" she said
"Oh these....well let's just say I made a bad decision when I was captured." I say looking down trying to forget it. A small shiver goes down my spine. I feel Barbara pat my back. "Thank you" I said then talked for god knows how long. I thought for a second..... "Hey don't you have work" I asked "nope I have off" she said. "I guess lucky us" I said
I look at the time to see a good three to four hours have passed. "Well I don't want to waist your day off" I said getting up and going to the door. "I'd hardly call it a waist" she said
I smiled at her reply. "Guess Your right......wouldn't mind doing it again.....we'll see ya" I said waving as I left through the door waving.

Sorry it took so long to upload this just been playing Kingdom hearts 3 and been itching to make more story related to it.

Well peace oh and point at misspells so I can fix.

Simply lucky(Bat girl/Barbara Gordon x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now