"Arkham knight and the end"

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I sat in our apartment looking through "oracles" computer. Trying to assist any of the bat family members as I possibly could.......oh a lots happened since the joker incident.
Well let me sum it up. Joker was sent to Arkam asylum were he planned to start a whole prison riot freeing himself and running the nut house. He used a drug called titan to enhance people strength. He used it on himself not knowing the affects. After the events of that Bruce Wayne funded money in making arkam city......to me it's just a bigger prison. It was drying that time Barbra told me about bat man being Bruce Wayne...oh back to the story. In arkam city joker was there and was dying because of the titan formula. He used Batman to get a cure by poisoning hospitals and Batman. Batman having no choose rushes to get the cure while feeling the affects. Eventually he caught up to the joker who killed talia al ghoul the daughter of rash al ghoul the leader of the league of Assassins. Jokers own stupidity got him killed making him destroy the cure. But bat man already had some and made a cure for others. After all of these events Barbra thought it would be safer if I worked with her and that bat family. I told them I was no fighter and they excepted but I was able to help with a few things explaining why I'm here. We up to date?,Good. Most of the city's have been evacuated do to scarecrows fear toxin,leaving the streets to the criminals,cops,and the Bat family.and little ol me but that's not important right now.
Batman pov
I drove the bat mobile to ace chemicals. I see Barbra were uh her iconic uniform with her father. "Jim" I replied "Batman" he said all we see is a helicopter fly up lights flashing at me. I look to see a man with amor looking straight at me then it turns away going back the ace chemicals. Some one try's to call my com. Barbra's two. "Alright here's the deal scarecrow hired some sorta muscle call the arkame Knight,word from guards and people say he has his own military." Yn said "look for anyone with a grudge against me." I command.
"That's a long list" he said then turned off the com. I looked at Barbra. "Stay back your army can't take on a army,but mine can" I said and grappled into the chemical plant. I activate my detective vision looking for any way of getting my car here. I flew down to a control panel and made a ramp. I activated the remote Batmoblile
Alright sorry if it's sloppy. I just wanted to get this series over.
The car swooped from the sky and I jumped in and preceded to destroy the small battalion. After finishing my work I made my way to a hostage with my car. I jumped out and entered a small building seeing guards I took them down. After that I let the hostage free but soon after some one dropped down. The arkame Knight and me threw a few punches till his men srounded me.

He looked at his men

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He looked at his men. "You good Batman better then I remember,oh and boys don't aim for the symbol it's a scare tactic." The arkame Knight said and proceeded to monologue. Apparently he had a call and answered. "Don't kill him" scarqrow said on the other side. I moved my hand to the remote batmobile and shot threw the glass with non lethal rounds knocking out the grunts. The arkame Knight fleed.
Time skip Yn POV
I was watching the cameras on the computer of me and Barbra's apartment. "God dammit" I said as the elevator opened revealing arkame Knight. "It be wise not to fight me" he said
"You don't saaaayyyy" I told him sarcastically.
I followed him. I sat in the passenger seat as we drove away. "Barbra's going to kill me" I said the Knight seemed to hear me and looked at me confused. "It's my third time being captured and I said I wouldn't be" I told him he nodded. Either he did not care and wanted me to stop talking or he understood. I felt my pockets and found two things. I smiled evilly. "What are you thinking?" The Knight said. "Nothing,just this" I said taking out pepper spray and making the drivers day a living hell. "My eyes!!" He said and with a bump or two we crashed. I fell onto the ground. And threw a small chip under ruble. And walked with my injury to the water. I stoped my it and washed my hand in the cold water cleaning off some blood. I turned around to see the arkame Knight,and boy was he pissed. "Hello may I take your order sir" I asked like the asshole I am. And he punched me in the face.
Time skip
I woke up tied up. I see the arkame Knight. "Hello" I said
He didn't reply "you think he'll come....well he won't" he said trying to break my hope well that's We're he fucked up. "I know Bruce won't but Barbra will....Jason" I said he took off his helmet and looked at me shocked. "I was told to look at people who might have a grudge and knowing the lazerith pit existed doesn't take a genus but.....that was just a guess" I told him truthfully making him reveal himself to me. He wanted to be angry to he got played. "What do you want from him" I asked trying to analyze him. I looked at the marked j on his face. I sigh. "He tried you know that...he looked every We're from what I've heard.......jokers dead and Batman moves on....I think you should too" I said having enough of me he punched me agin.
Time skip
Barbra pov
After hours of nothing but punching hacking punching hacking me and Bruce got to the top of the building to see scarqrow my dad and Yn sitting there after a lot being revealed to my dad and the people. "Shoot him commissioner or your son in law gets it" scarqrow said putting Yn who was strapped to the chair. "Oh fucked I've been in menu rides and horror flicks this shit beats it all. "My dad shot at Batmans amor but scarqrow let go any way.
I dived down. I caught him and grappled down gently. He opened his eyes and looked at me. He chest rested his head down on my chest. "God I hate that" he said I pat his head and rubbed his back.  Bruce stood beside me. "Barbra I think you and Yn should....leave the rest to me" he said I looked at him. I nodded
Yn did too.
And we left Gotham.
Time skip
Later we found out Bruce had his identity revealed and he went home to I assume fake his death and bat man....was dead. I was in shock. "I guess this is bad timing then" I heard Yn said i turned around to see Yn on one knee. Ring in his hand. "I know I'm not much but....would you marry me Barbra Gordon
"Yes...a thousandth times yes

Final time skip
My dad became Mayor of the city and me and Yn got married and moved away from the crazy city. Dick went his own way same with Tim,and  Jason we haven't heard from. Me and Yn had one child who we love dearly she had her dads hair and my eyes. I put up the cape and mask for good....but crime still stained Gotham they needed a protector something better then bat man.

but crime still stained Gotham they needed a protector something better then bat man

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"Love you Barbra" Yn said
"I love you two"I said

"Thanks......for saving me that night"
"I would do it a thousand time if I have too"

Ya I had this waiting to long and I was going to make this a five parter but I'm too lazy and I don't want you to wait longer.
Ohhh and something I found interesting.

Why does do they look so similar!!!!?!?!?Well that's all bye

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Why does do they look so similar!!!!?!?!?
Well that's all bye

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