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I look up at the joker with his demented smile plastered on his face. I'm losing so much blood I can't move. I've feared a lot of things In my life this........this tops them all. Tears left my eyes I'm scared and tired. "What your name what's your name.......Yn if I'm right"he said I'm didn't answer just quivered on the floor.
His smile turned angry and brought his finger to the gun wound and stuck it in. "Ahhhh stop please yes I'm Yn!" I said loudly hoping if I did what he said he'd let me go. His smile returns and he took it out. "Ok Yn......now I'm going to ask you what should your torment be option A" the joker said pointing at a crowbar. "I personally love this one I had practiced with the the birds" he said but I just looked at him confused. "Or option B" he said pointing another Gun with a single bullet. "Well answer kiddo or you get both for free" He said with a light chuckle that can still kill the mood in any party. "O-Option B please make it quick" I told him. He grabbed the simple pistols. And aimed it at me. I closed my eyes but.....nothing happened. I opened them I see him start to giggle then to insane laughter. He threw the gun away and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a more toy like gun. He shot at me and a flag came out I felt relieved to see the fla-"BOOM" I watch as the flag shot again penetrating my chest. "Well kid looks like your having some chest pains so we leave you to get better!" He laughed and left. He closed the door to leave me here in the darkness.....i feel cold.....scared and most of all tired.....but I have so much I want to do.....this must be some bad dream....not even a dream a nightmare. I use as much strength as I can to stay awake. I grab a hold of the flag in my chest and proceeded to "remove" it..............my screams of pain could possibly be heard by all. After I removed I felt relief but that was no good thing. I dig into my pocket and grab my phone and dial 911. "Please help" I said quietly not find the strength to talk. I ended the call. And put it to the side of my body. "I should call Barbra.......no it will only worry her and make her leave....we need bat man and them." I said to myself thinking of the people over my needs.
"Maybe I should rest" I said aloud and my eyes shut.

Bat girl pov
After hours of beating up bad guys my energy was drained. "Barbra?" I look at bat man
"There was a recent joker victim we need to question" Bruce Wayne or bat man said. I nodded. All I wanted was to sleep with Yn.
Time skip
We walked through the hospital door seeing my dad waiting for us. "Bat man" He said taking a cigarette out of his pocket. He said he'd quite.......this must be bad. "Let's go see" Bat man said and we followed him. We arrive at the room and walk in. When I looked at the victim tear immediately filled my eyes I cover my mouth and quietly sob. Bat man turns around and saw this. "Gordon wait outside I'll be there in a second" Bruce said his eyes not leaving me. My dad left leaving only the three of us. He went over and closed the door and made sure no one can hear. "Barbra.........what's wrong?" He asked losing his serious persona to a caring one. "The victim is Yn.......my boyfriend" I said telling him the truth. There was no point in hiding it. He seemed angry yet understanding. "Does he know about this" he said pointing at me
"Yes......he actually saved me" I told him smiling of the lovely day I got shot.......kinda odd. "Anything else I should know?" Bruce asked going back into his bat man character.
"No that's it bat man" I weak voice said I smiled with tears in my eyes. I hugged Yn as he wrapped one hand around me. "Hey wipe those tears" he said putting a hand on my chin and removed my mask just to wipe the tears. But I just cried quietly on his shoulder. He sighed and just held me there. "Hey it's ok I'm still breathing........just having trouble moving my legs." He said his voice helped but not a lot. He kissed me and put the mask back on. He looked at Bat man. "Never thought I'd actually see you bat man.......guess there's a first for everything......so what do you want to know bat man?" Yn asked the dark night. "What happened?" He asked "Well I woke up went to the front door opened it and BOOM I got shot and launched back onto the floor.........after that I couldn't move........I heard him say not who I wanted but you'll do. so he wanted to shoot Barbra I got that......then he decided to torment me then shot me with a....Flagg gun thing?" Yn answered. I clenched my fist. But a hand was gently put on mine

I grab a hold of his hand for comfort

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I grab a hold of his hand for comfort. "Sorry but can I have a minute or two bat man" Yn asked he hooded and left just leaving us.
"Barbra?" He said I looked at him. "Yes?" I questioned. "I know your angry" I cut him "angry? ANGRY isn't that the half of it!" I started to shout. His grip tightened. "You could have died and it's all my fault I should have just let you sleep in your room and we could have avoided this." I continued tears falling down my cheeks. "Hey stop crying there's a saying
It doesn't matter it's in the past" He said and bonked me on the head. "Ow what was that for" I said "see in the past" he said and chuckled. I then face palmed "did you just" he cut me off "Yes I made a lion king reference"
"Your dum" I said "oh tell me something I do t know" he said sarcastically. I kissed him on the lips and left to bat man with my mask on. "Hey throw a few punches in for me" he said I turned around and gave him a thumbs up.

Bat man pov
"Who is he?" I asked Gordon
"Yn Ln good kid works a normal job but was at the wrong place at the wrong time he was also a hostage for the amusement park incident....he made us laugh at the worst of times....kept us going.....I guess joker came back for revenge" Gordon said
"He means more to you" I said reading through him. Gordon sighed in frustration. "He's my daughters boyfriend and I a good friend to me if I'm honest" he confessed. "He told me that the joker wasn't after him he was after Barbra....personally I think it was to get to you" I told him my idea. He seem perplexed on what to do in the situation.

Out side the hospital stood a man in a dark clothes that hid why behind. "Ya boss.......There here......yes all according to the back up plane"

Simply lucky(Bat girl/Barbara Gordon x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now