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I wake up to the sound of my alarm waking me up for the day. I get up get a few things like my work clothes. I enter the warm shower to wake me up. I take a soap bar and start to clean my body. I rub it over my eye. And feel a pain. Remember the events of last night I sigh and continue the refreshing shower.
I turn off the water and exit the shower into the cold air. Quickly I put on my clothes attempting to get warm. I brush my teeth and grab my key to the apartment and other things like my phone and wallet. I leave and start to walk out side..........it's dark out as if it was night....because it's early in the morning......
I hate my job sometimes but......it makes since
Cops and other jobs like that wake up early and they need there coffee.
After a short while I arrive at my job and enter. See that it's only me because of the lack of sound and lights I go to the kitchen and start to prepare the coffee and warm up the place.
Suddenly I get notifications on my phone.
I look to see it's from all the other workers saying they be a hour or two late. I sigh in frustration and grab my self a cup of coffe and sit at one of the tables with a window to look in Gotham streets. I see a police car pull up to the small diner. The police officer got out of the car and started to walk into the establishment.
The man was old....per say.orange like hair,mustache,wore glasses. I pretty sure every one in the city has heard of him.
"Commissioner.... take a seat relax a little before something happens"

I said he chuckles a little and takes a seat in front of me

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I said he chuckles a little and takes a seat in front of me. "What would you like" I asked
"Just a cup of coffee thank you" he said
I nodded and got up from table and got his coffee. I walked over to him places down his coffee and handed him some sugar and creamer. And take my seat and continue to drink and stare at the awakening city as the sun starts to barely show itself. "Pretty isn't it"
He said I take a sip and look at him. "Ya But............some people don't appreciate it......you know" I said he nodded.... a awkward silence was the only thing spoken without words. I offer my hand to him. "Yn Ln..........got it memorized" I said he took my hand and shakes it. "Well You Know mine" he said we chuckle. "Can I get you anything else sir" I asked he put a hand on his chin thinking.
"Sure give me your favorite" he said I smiled
"With pleasure" I said and went into the kitchen.
Time skip
I carefully finish off my masterpiece. I pick it up and start to walk towards the commissioner.
I set the plate down and take a look at my cooking.

I set the plate down and take a look at my cooking

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He takes a fork and takes the first bite.
"It's as good as it looks" he said I smiled.
He finished his plate and got a message from his phone. He sighs and puts down a 30 to pay for his food.
"Sir you have change." I said. he smiled
"For that keep it as a tip" he said as he walked out the diner. I put his plate in the kitchen sink and wait for the day to pass.
Time skip
It had been a good I'd say...... 5 hours since the events of meeting the commissioner and everything's has been steady. I was walking through the diner until I accidentally bumped into something. I fell down with a thump and what ever else did as well. I look up to see.....the person I knocked down. "I'm so sorry mam"I said offering a hand to help her up
She took it and I pulled her up.
"Don't worry i wasn't looking We're I.......was going.....Yn?" She asked I looked at her. "Barbra?" She nods
I chuckle "nice to see you again......is any one taking your order" I asked looking around
"No not yet at least." She said annoyed
"Well then what can I get you" I said taking out a small note book and pen. She smiled "just a cup of coffee thank you" she said. I went to the kitchen to see a few of my workers giving me a smirk.... "what?" I asked they turned away. "Nothing!" They said I shrugged my shoulders and got the coffee. And walked over to Barbra and pored her coffee and handed her sugar and creamer...... "why does this feel familiar" I said to myself while scratching my head.
After a good couple of minutes I went back over to Barbara. "I'll take your order if you have one" I said she put a hand on her chin
"Hmmm I'll have what ever" she said
I start to laugh.....she looked at me weirdly
"What's funny?" She asked
"Well early today commissioner Gordon can we into hear and asked for the exact same thing.....it's funny because you kinda look like him in certain aspects" I explained....
She looked shocked a little bit chuckled
"Well I hope so considering I'm his daughter" she said. Now I had a turn to be shocked
"Your the daughter of the commissioner Gordon......that's pretty cool" I said
Walking away and preparing her food.
I picked up the plate and set it down in front of her. And like her father she enjoyed the food.
"Thanks Yn.....well I gotta go to work.......see ya later" she said paying and leaving a familiar tip.
Time skip
It was the end of the day and I was walking home when I fell to the ground loosing consciousness...I can hear a voice talking.
"Mr J will love this" I cheerful feminine voice and everything goes black

Barbra/bat girl  pov
I was patrolling the city as I get signal from
Alfred. "Miss Gordon I have terrible news Joker has hostages on a near bye
Amusement park.....and one of the hostages is Commissioner Gordon." He said "I'm on my way"

Immediately I start to change my direction.

Simply lucky(Bat girl/Barbara Gordon x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now