"Killing joke"

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Barbra,Batman,and Gordon all left on there investigation for the Joker and his goons. But it did take a long time to convince Barbra to go. But me being the master convincer I am......ok I just nagged her till she left.....master of convincing totally. It being late and being put on pain meds tends to make a guy tired so ima get the rest of my sleep.
Time skip
Joker pov
There I stood looking at the guy who's caused me so much trouble, OHHH so much trouble.
"wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" I said shooting the roof laughing the whole time. "Ahhh wait what ohhh joker it's you.......ITS YOU WHAT THE F" I cut him off and grabbed his face with a knife in my hand. "Wanna know how I got these scars.

"No not really" he said honestly still sleepy

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"No not really" he said honestly still sleepy.
"W-what?" I said confused. No one really ever actually replied.....I'm stumped "ok um ima tell you any way" I said "let me guess daddy's angry rage or bet gone wrong" he guessed.My jaw just hung open in just shock. This is odd this has never happened before.
"Why aren't you scared!?" I yelled at him trying to get something out of him....ANYTHING!
"Because.......I've been pumped with drugs you, woke me up from my sleep so I'm annoyed, I'm tired, and ummm I can't really think of anything else" he said his eyes closing slightly true to his word. I let go of him. "........understandable.....I don't say this often but I'm sorry but I need you to go along with this so I can get bat man here" I said he looked at me with his tired eyes. ".....I'm too tired to care about my situation but after can I sleep and maybe get warm milk"he said I think for a moment......honestly I like this guy he fucking chill as shit.......ok back to work. "Sure so ima make this quick" I said grabbing a Qrow bar and smacking him really hard on his hands and knees. He screamed at his arms being hit My the medal but not so much on his legs. I looked at him confused. "Oh I think you shot my spine or something related to my legs when you woke me up first." He answered my question with out me even adoring. "Sorry about that.......Harley get warm milk!" I yelled at her
"Ok Mr J!" She said in the back. It was kinda awkward.....and this is coming from me which is even more concerning. "No problem you got me more days off work and I still get paid" he said "wait you might be paralyzed or even worse because of it and your not mad" I asked
"Pretty much......you shouldn't worry about me thou it's bat girl and bat man" he said......he's not wrong. Harley walked in with the milk. "Here you go Mr J" she said I took and pulled a straw out of my coat magically and put it in the cup and kept it to We're he can drink it. After finishing his warm milk he smiled at me. "Thanks now ima sleep" he said and he was out like a light. "Did he-yes" I cut Harley off.
"Ok know to record so bat man can get here" I said
Time skip
Bat girl pov
We were on are way to a small circus
Turns out My dad and Yn got captured I was worried but pissed........I mean why you shot him then take him from the hospital the fuck!?!
"When I get my hands on the clown I'm gonna..." I mumbled things Bruce would not approve of. Once we get there no guards or anything. "Bat girl get Yn,I'll get your dad" he commanded. I nodded and started to run to one of the rides. As I got too one I saw Harley there looking at a sleeping tired. She turned around and saw me looking at Yn as well with worried eyes but also a hint of tiredness to match his own. "Can we make this quick?" I asked Harley was about to get in a fighting pose but she thought for a second. "You know what sure it's useless in the end" Harley said walking over. I took a pair of hand cuffs and cuffed her. "Just wait by the front" I told her she nodded and walked away. I go over to Yn and pick him up. He groaned and opened his eyes. "Sorry you can go back to sleep." I told him. He smiled and kissed my cheek and fell limp to sleep. I come back to Joker and...........Batman laughing? I shrugged with Yn still in my arms and saw my dad waiting with Harley at the front. "Hey commissioner you ok" I asked he nodded "just traumatized" he said casually. I'm taking a break with Yn I don't care what the situation is I'm too angry,tired, and annoyed to care. We called the police and they took Harley and Joker away. Dad went home to sleep. I took Yn to Wayne manor. Bruce was angry but just told him. "Fuck your self, I'm not dragging him to are apartment or the hospital,and you have space in the bat mobile.....I think?" And with no other choice because of me we left. We scanned him to make sure he wasn't paralyzed. Good news he wasn't,bad news he's going to be in a wheel chair for a little bit. I laid with him in bed in nothing but my underwear and kissed his cheek and closed my eyes.

"BEEEB BEEEEEP BEEEEEEP" an alarm went off I threw a baterange and destroyed it. "I'll pay for that.......never" I said and went sleep having the rest of the day to waist.

Not checking cause I'm not going to be uploading chapters but I will be working on them.

Also I was thinking about a story

Any one ever heard of glass or split

Ya I'm going to that

Well ima see you........I don't know
Oh and I know I could have done so much more it's just well fuck all that ima shorten it

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