5 | love infest your soul

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I want to be surrounded by your love
As a hand is covered by a fitting glove
Does love infest your soul and every sense?
The colours of the world are evidence

- Rumi, Use What He Has Granted You


Warning: Graphical violence ahead in the chapter.
Proceed at your own discretion.


Winter, 1859

"When did you arrive home last night?" Sharel asked her grand-daughter as they sat around the table with the Mikaelsons for breakfast.

"The Council is aware of vampires visiting Cloverville. I provided them with another trail leading to the other town. It might help us and they shall do it unknowingly for I would like the men and the Mikaelsons stay away from one another," Adelia answered.

"Quite devious, aren't you?" Klaus commented, looking at her.

"I would've been less offended with the company you keep if it were you rendezvousing with a man instead of scheming with Councilmen," her grandmother admitted with a snort, making Klaus laugh as he put down his cutlery.

"Grandmother, please," Adelia said trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

"You are my only grandchild! I am obliged to assist you for your father does not like the prospect of you getting married. The town already gives me hard time with their gossips of Sharel's granddaughter not having a betrothal contract. I cannot very well inform them that while other fathers discuss dowry, my son discusses wretched politics with his daughter," Sharel confessed, almost looking offended.

"I suggest you take the matter to father," the young woman replied.

"And not discuss personal matters in front of guests, Sharel," Elijah offered, trying to help Adelia.

"You Mikaelsons are family, Elijah. And you would not know the hidden questions behind those betrothal obligations. They believe my sweet Adelia is with a child," Sharel said and the girl in question instantly put her fork down in mortification.

"Or she is a seductress using her wiles to charm men. As if Arnold would ever allow a man near his daughter," Sharel scoffed and continued. "Last night an old snobby woman accused the Laurentis heir of setting traps for marrying the richest. Not only do have we money to feed generations, but they dare accuse my Lia of such insolence. I set her granddaughter's hair on fire and rendered the grandson impotent; I am a witch of brilliance after all."

Everybody looked at Sharel in silence processing her words.

"Grandmother, apologies but that is appalling!" Adelia exclaimed.

"Absolutely uncalled for, Sharel," Elijah sighed but let his lips tug upwards finding it too hilarious.

"You fought for Adelia's honour valiantly. Did you do something to the snobby woman?" Klaus smirked.

"I hexed her into a hallucinatory fever of course. People will consider her mentally ill and she deserves so for accusing my granddaughter of such nefarious plots," Sharel smiled.

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