6 | found the fragrance

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Don't ever stoop to sniff out the spirit
Whose scent is beyond sense and wit
Just lean forward, let's be cheek to cheek
You will have found the fragrance that you seek.

- Rumi, Like This


Spring, 1861

"Maeve," Klaus strolled into the garden with the usual smirk adorning his face as his blue-green eyes lit up when he saw her reading amidst the vines, enjoying the sunlight.

"Niklaus," she looked up, surprised. "When did you arrive?"

"Should you ask every time I visit?" he humoured, sitting beside her on the bench.

"And not be polite? What do you make of me Klaus?" her eyes twinkled with mischief when he got up and held out his hand.

"Please humour me with more of your politeness while I take a walk," he grinned when she accepted his hand.

"What brings you here?" she asked.

"Business. Do you think the Council will let me take over this town?"

"Lord no! Mercy on the townspeople!" she laughed seeing his expression turning sour. "There is no business. I know when you lie. Tell me."

"I fancy this girl. She has grown on me these past few years. Beautiful, kind, understanding, never gauges me for my colorful past, brave," he turned towards her as they stopped walking while she raised her eyebrows with a smile expecting more. "She has an uncanny ability to tell when I lie," he confessed after a moment and the smile from her face disappeared.

Klaus gazed at her tentatively, trying to reach a decision. He brought his hand to her face and caressed her cheek lightly with his fingers, his eyes flickering to her rosy lips for a moment.

"Klaus..." She started as his hand snaked around her waist, making her jump in surprise—she was warmer and softer than he had ever imagined.

He had already pulled her to him and her eyes widened when his nose brushed against hers, hearing her heart beat rapidly in her chest and savoured how melodious it sounded.

She squirmed and pulled away abruptly, making him frown. "I believe I have mistakenly led you on. It was never my intention to come to this. Forgive me, please." she continued mumbling.

"I've had affections for you," Klaus stepped towards her.

"I do not feel the same," she told him.

"It felt right to me," he looked at her.

"I cannot reciprocate how you want me to. You have always been a dear friend of mine and you will remain so," she cried, wringing her fingers.

"You will one day. I shall wait, Maeve," Klaus' voice almost begged her to reconsider.

"I fear you will be disappointed. Do not do this to yourself," she avoided meeting his eyes.

"Do you love another?" he asked her as she looked at him and shook her head in denial.

"Please forgive me Nik," she said, tears brimming in her eyes. "You shall always be my friend but expect no more. I will always love you."

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