12 | this relentless ache

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Together as one with you I lie awake
Alone, I suffer this relentless ache
Ecstasy and pain, all lovers have seen them
Bless Him that we know the difference between them

- Rumi, The Difference


January 1860
New Orleans, Louisiana

Elijah let out a sigh, his thumb caressing the daylight ring repeatedly. Klaus was doing well on his own for now, which he deeply suspected, but was true.

As he looked at the naked figure beside him, his thoughts drifted to Adelia who had captured his heart after he had vowed to never love anyone after Celeste. Maybe he didn't want the same fate for her or he feared the pain it resulted after Klaus ruined his happiness repeatedly. She was young and wise beyond her years and she didn't deserve to be tarnished by the destruction the Mikaelsons always brought along with them.

A smile bloomed on his face as he thought about their encounters. It thawed his being on how he had started associating her with warmth and innocence. Niklaus was clearly fond of her, a hard thing to come by due to his usual behaviour. He called her Maeve.

A set of fingers caressed his face and Elijah stopped his train of thoughts to look at Sofia, his current lover. He nuzzled into her neck, desperately craving the rose fragrance and the peace Adelia brought with her. With no remorse, he bit into this woman's neck roughly, willing the scent to hit his nose.

He had a week here to introspect his priorities and clear his mind. He would not fall for another again. Adelia and he were not meant to be. Not in this lifetime.

When the cravings for something soft and innocent filled his heart, the Original left the bed, leaving a satiated lover behind, her brown tresses resembling Adelia's.

A familiar sapphire hairpin lay over the nightstand, its jewel glinting under the candle light.


Elijah took out the blood bags from the chiller and closed the door when he saw Adelia walking across the hallway in her dressing gown, tiptoeing towards the table. He pulled out a chair for his wife as she sat down before pushing it in.

Jenna arrived shortly after and the Original pulled out a chair for her as well. Ignoring the surprise at his gentlemanly gesture, she sat down grumpily.

"Good morning," he greeted, taking a seat beside Adelia.

"Morning," Jenna said and a yawn threatened to escape her mouth.

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