10 | all brothers

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All brothers should be like grapes on a vine
Pressed together, yielding for wine
The ripe ones hide the green ones taste
Even imperfection doesn't go to waste.

- Rumi, Brothers


"Maeve, this century suits you well, love," Klaus told her when she continued to stare at him. Suddenly a hard punch to his nose disoriented his head, his vision going black for a few seconds. He sighed, knowing he deserved this and looked at her again, "Anything else?"

She didn't say anything but stepped towards him to wipe the line of blood off his upper lip with the cashmere sleeve of her shirt as he stayed silent.

"Who's at the door, dear? The dinner is getting cold," Elijah said, approaching the two and stopped in his tracks seeing Klaus.

"Elijah. Long time no see. I was just asking Adelia to let me in. Heartfelt apologies for intruding on your dinner," Klaus said with a smirk when Elijah moved forward to hit him but Adelia gripped his hand.

"We need to talk," she told the younger Original impassively, "and you two will behave yourself."

"She hasn't changed a bit I presume?" Klaus queried his brother to only be greeted with a glare. "How's marriage treating you, Elijah?" he continued, making Adelia roll her eyes at his questions.

The three didn't move from their spot and the continued silence grated at each other. Elijah glanced at him once before taking his wife's hand in his, leaving for the dining room. Klaus stared at the retreating pair and followed them inside.


Winter, 1859
Night of the Annual Ball

"How many prophecies are genuine, Sharel?" Klaus asked, getting seated in the library of the Laurentis House.

"I have a hard time believing any of this," Elijah spoke.

"Prophecies are considered sacred in the witch community, Elijah. If it is indeed true, then you have my word that it shall not be revealed," Sharel assured him, "but I am afraid the other witches might be communicated the same way. Beauchêne line has seers, but I have learned that not all prophecies are to be trusted."

"I believe you more than the other pesky nonsense of witches," Klaus humoured. "Remember 1838? It was jolly good time."

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