15 | thieving eyes

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O thieving eyes, you're punished for the theft
Of her beauty - now she's turned and left!

- Rumi, Thieving Eyes


March 1860
Cloverville, Louisiana

A crack echoed outside the house and the vampires present in the room fell silent as the Laurentis household continued laughing, unaware of the change. The brothers exchanged a look across the table and looked towards the doorway as another sharp crack ensued.

Adelia glided along the staircase with a lamp in hand and saw a flash of torch outside. She immediately stilled. Curious about the proceeding at this hour, she went towards the door to notify the guards.

Klaus saw the little witch opening the doors and frowned when he did not catch a glimpse of anybody outside, the confusion mirrored by the Laurentis heir who found no traces of intruders as well as the guards.

Elijah suddenly shot out of the chair and rushed towards the witch to pull her from the doorway. She crashed into him, both falling onto the floor when the chandelier in the entryway shattered to the ground. He covered her with his body as the glass pierced his skin, making him hiss and felt the girl beneath him burrowing into his arms at the noise.

Adelia blinked up at the Original, noticing the proximity as their noses grazed each other. She took a deep breath and tried to push him away.

"Adelia!" Arnold exclaimed as he along with the rest of the occupants immediately left their seats to move towards the fallen pair when a guard rushed inside the premises.

Breaking out of the reverie, Elijah cleared his throat before getting up. He held out his hand which she ignored in favour of getting up herself.

"Sir!" he took a deep breath, "the witches! they are outside breaking the boundary spell."

"Oh you Mikaelsons, bringing trouble already?" the patriarch hissed and gestured for Rafael to go retrieve the weapons.

Sharel exited the entryway to see more than a dozen of witch chanting. "Adelia! Please hurry."

The young siphon witch ran to her grandmother and linked hands with her to strengthen the barrier.

The Originals rushed outside and started killing the witches and to their horror, they clicked their necks to reposition it and continued as if nothing happened. The witches joined their hands and started giving aneurysm as the vampires groaned, clutching their heads.

All of a sudden a witch fell dead to the ground, the back of her head blown away. Rafael stood behind her with a grin on his face. "I assumed you vampires liked decapitating?" he asked, looking at the dead witch, as it showed no signs of getting up. The Originals getting the idea, started tearing out hearts one by one.

Arnold shot a witch standing in front of his mother and daughter as they proceeded to re-enact the spell.

"Why is not working, grandmother?" Adelia asked.

"Concentrate, darling," answered Sharel when her granddaughter unlinked their hands to stop an arrow mid-air with magic. Sharing glances with her father who looked horrified, Adelia took a deep breath and lit all the lamps outside the gate with a flick of her wrist.

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