Drunk Bestfriend - a.e x y/n

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Look, I couldn't think of a good title. Okay?

Alex's POV

I wake up to the noise of someone stumbling into the quiet apartment. I know it's not George because I heard him go to sleep before. I look over at my phone and see it's 3:30 am. Who would come over at this time? The only thing I think is that someone's broken into the apartment.

I'm about to get out of bed and get something as a weapon when I hear someone giggling. What the- there's a small crash and and the giggles turn into a full fit of laughter. I've heard that laugh before. I poke my head around the corner and slowly walk into the living room. I see y/n sitting against the back of the couch, obviously fallen over the coffee table, with a bottle of vodka in hand. Oh no.

"Y/N?" I whisper quietly. "H-hey, alexxx" she slurs, giggling loudly. "Shh y/n, George is sleeping" I'm honestly surprised he hasn't woken up yet. "Georgeieee, can I go see him" she whines, struggling to get up. "he's sleeping, you can tomorrow".

As she try's to walk down the hallway towards his room, she falls slightly. I gently grab onto her arm and pull her back, so she doesn't fall face first into the floor. She turns around and look me in the eyes. I can hardly see them in the dark but I notice that they are all red and puffy. There normal bright color is now dull and lifeless.

"y/n" i sigh. "what happened" i almost regret asking that as tears start rolling down y/n's red cheeks. Quiet sobs then start echoing through the apartment. I pull y/n into my chest, my arms wrapping around the freezing body standing in front of me. A small "we broke up" was muttered out. I never fucking liked that kid from the moment they started dating. I'm not surprised honestly, with how horrible they treated y/n. I always felt bad though because y/n would always stop me from punching his head in and not let me do anything about it.

I sighed looking down at my heartbroken, hammered best friend, my heart aching at the sight of them. "Come on let's get you to bed." I pick y/n up and carry the small body to my bedroom. I place y/n on my bed and look in my closet for a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Get changed into this and then we can sleep." I say as I turn away and face the door so y/n can get changed. "Alex" A tired whisper comes out from behind me. "Can you help me." I look over and see that y/n is basically half asleep already and is struggling to get their top off.

I walk over and lift the top over y/n's head and pull the black internet sensation hoodie I picked out on. I then slipped their jeans off and pulled on my joggers, which were way to big for y/n.

We got under the covers and I pulled y/n's body into mine. "thank you, Alex." y/n yawns into my chest. "I love you" I hear a quiet voice say, obviously drifting to sleep. "I love you too" I whisper back, also feeling myself drift off to sleep. I see a light smile appear on y/n's.

After a few minutes y/n's breathing becomes heavier and more even, indicating sleep has fully taken over. I lean in and place a small kiss on y/n's forehead.

"Goodnight beautiful"


Heyyy guys. I hope everyone had a awesome New Years :) welcome 2019!

Sorry I haven't uploaded since last year ;) (dry Ik)  but I have been busy these past few days. Please feel free to leave some sleep request, I'm already running out of ideas lmao.

Have a good day / night :)

- 1:13am 4/1/19

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