glow n the dark pennyboarding - a.e x y/n

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I groan and roll over in my bed, grabbing my phone as I see it light up. It's only Twitter notifications. It's 1 am and I can't get to sleep. Slowly I get out of bed and pull one of Alex's oversized t-shirts I somehow ended up with, and walk out of my bedroom.

I go into the living room and grab a drink from the kitchen. Scrolling through my Twitter and liking some fan art someone made for me, retweeting some stuff. All that good stuff.

"What are you doing up?" Comes a voice belonging to Alex, making me jump. "Holy shit al, you scared me" "sorry, y/n/n" (your nickname) "Why are you up?" He asks taking a sip from my apple juice.

"Fuck off, that's mine" he just chuckles and drinks more. Asshole. "I couldn't sleep, so I came to get a drink." I say, snatching the glass away from him.

"Isn't that my top? I've been looking for that?" Alex exclaims, pointing to it. "Yeah, to be honest I don't even know how I got it. Must have gotten into my washing pile or something." "Bullshit, you probably stole it from my room or something" "yeah sure, whatever mate" I mumble, walking away from my brown haired roommate.

"Oi y/n. I have an idea" he says suddenly jumping up from his seat. "oh, that's not good" I say to him. "Fuck off." "Sorry, what's your idea?" "Go get dressed and put some good shoes on" he says, shuffling around the room to find his shoes.

"Um, ok?" I wander into my room confused. I start pulling on some black ripped skinny jeans and leave Alex's black 'Internet Gaylord' shirt on. lastly pull on my plain vans that are sitting in the corner of my room. Once I'm ready I walk back into the living room.

I'm greeted with Alex basically wearing the same thing but with a pink 'internet sensation' shirt on. He's got two penny boards at his feet. I've never seen these ones before? It's not his normal one and mines in my room. They have super cool artistic designs on them and are painted all over. "Woah, this is sick" I say to Alex.

"Yeah, I know. Come on." He grabs ahold of my hand and slips a board into the other. He pulls me out the door and before I know it we're riding our penny-boards down the street. It's pretty empty in the city right now. Although it is 1am on a Tuesday night.

The wind is whipping past my head and it aloft feels like I'm gliding as we ride past all the shops and apartment buildings. We ride over a few blocks to where this massive park is. Once we enter the park I look over to Alex to see the smile on his face get bigger as he leads me down one of the paths. He turns around the corner and I follow him.

I look up towers again to see a massive glow in the dark arrow painted onto a rock. It's pointing to the left and when we turn around there's lines going all over the paths and more rocks with arrows pointing where to go.

"Holy shit this is insane" I yell to Alex who's looking back at me smiling. He points down to my board and when I look down I'm in shock. The whole board is glowing with different coulors and patterns. When we were on the street it must have been to lit up for me to notice. But now we're the dark is glowing like crazy. "Fucking hell al. This is amazing" I say to him.

"I know right. Knew you would like it." I keep following him down all the paths and In between the bushes and trees. Even some of the tress have little patterns and smily faces on them. We get to the bottom of a little hill and k see Alex waiting for me.

There's a small river out in the distance and some of the paint off one of the rocks is glowing onto the water. There is also lights in the bottom of the water making it light up. This whole thing looks magical.

Being distracted by everything, I didn't notice the stick that was laying in the ground. When I did it was too late and I was already flying off my board. I was waiting for the impact but it never came. Instead a felt warm arms wrap around me and pull me into them, saving me form crashing into the ground.

"Woah, hey there" Alex laughs looking down at me. "Hey" I chuckle looking up at his beautiful blue eyes. His eyes search mine and I feel my breath hitch as I notice how close we are. His warm hand cups my check and I see his eyes quickly flicker down to my lips and back to my eyes again.

I catch myself doing the same to him and when I meet his eyes again, I see them silently asking permission. Instead I start leaning in and so does he.

Alex's soft lips crash onto mine and I feel sparks running through my body. I wrap my arms loosely around his neck as we both smile into the kiss.

Pulling away from each other I hear him mutter "woah" under his breath. "fuckk" I breath out quietly. He quickly flashes his beautiful smile at me. "Come on y/n, there's still way more too see." he says lacing our fingers together, while we get on our boards again.

"Thanks for this Al. It's amazing"

"Anything for you, beautiful"


hey cuties, I hope everyone is having a good day. mines alright. my kitten got hit by a car this morning and didn't make it. So I'm a bit upset but writing this made me feel better. Also Alex's new video. That was absolutely golden. I love him :)

I would like to thank everyone for 3k reads. It means sm to me :) I'm honestly so thankful for everyone who's reads this and to everyone that leaves comments ily. They are my day aha <3

WAith all that being said ima sleep now :)
Have a good day / night uwu
Love you all <3

-1:13am 20/1/19

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