Morning Walks - w.l x y/n

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y/d/n = your dogs name :)


It's currently 6:30 in the morning and I'm in a local park, taking my dog for a walk. I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep, hence why it's so early. The park is empty and it's super cold outside, so I doubt anyone will be here anytime soon.

I have a super adorable, one year old golden retriever called, y/d/n. We play fetch for awhile  with a few belly rubs here and there. Then I go and sit down on a bench, catching my breathe after chasing y/d/n around trying to get the ball back.

While I was looking at a notification on my phone, a massive black, white and brown dog runs straight pass me, going after the ball I just threw up in the air. The dog snatches up the ball and brings it back to me, dropping it at my feet. Random.

"you're insanely adorable" I laugh, patting the massive dog. It's insanely soft and fluffy.

(This is Darcey If you don't know who she is

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(This is Darcey If you don't know who she is. Fake fan if you don't tbh xoxo.
I love Darcey. She's so beautiful. I want her 😩)

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see a cute guy around my age running towards me. I assume it's the adorable dogs owner. Pretty adorable himself.

"oh my god, I'm so sorry about that. She's a bit hyper sometimes, she hasn't had a walk in days and go fetch is her favourite game. Again I'm s-"
I cut the rambling boy off "- don't worry about it. She's insanely cute and to be honest my dog would probably do the same. Wouldn't surprise me." I say laughing. He lets out a small breath.

I look up at him "what breed is she?." He walks over to her smiling. "Bernese Mountain dog" "I want one." I say giving her a belly rub. "Can I have her" I ask, my eyes meeting his sky blue ones.

He just laughs and shakes his head "i love her too much." wow this guy is hot, I think as I study his face.

He sits himself down on the bench next to me, his leg brushing mine as he does so, turning my whole body warm instantly. We talk for about 5  - 10 minutes before I have to leave so I can make it to uni on time.

"hey I have to go now. Gotta make it to uni on time. Nice meeting you, you too Darcey." I say smiling, putting y/d/n back on the leash. giving Darcey one last pat, whose name I learnt when talking to the mystery boy.

"Nice meeting you too. See you around" he saying grinning at me then taking after Darcey around the park.

While walking back to the apartment, it dawns on me that I'm never going to see the boy again  and I didn't even learn his name. Suddenly feeling more sad, I enter my apartment getting ready for uni.
For the next week I find myself at the park each morning walking my dog. The first few mornings I ended up running into the boy and Darcey.

After that I just started going to hopefully run into him.Which I did. We talked and I learnt a lot about him. Like mainly that his name is Will and we're the same age.

It's a Saturday morning and we're sitting on the bench talking as usual. Today it's a bit warmer than usual and for once I don't have to rush away to school.

Also today we don't have the dogs. Darcey wasn't felling very well and my dog is at my parents for a bit. But for some reason we both still came to see one another. I'm starting to catch feelings for this guy and I only just met him.

I sigh and stand up deciding I should let Will get on with this day and I should go and clean my apartment or something like that.

"Hey, y/n?" he asks, as I look down at him sitting in the bench. He's wearing a lime green hoodie with the words 'shovel' in pink and white and black ripped skinny jeans. "Yeah?"

"Do you wanna go grab a coffee or something?" He asks nervously, scratching the back of his neck. Damn he's cute.

"Yeah, of course" I say. He stands up and grabs my hand, sending tingles throughout my body. He grins at me and starts pulling me towards the exit of the park. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as he laces his fingers through mine and lets out a loud laugh at us running like idiots.

He looks over his shoulder. Gives me a smirk and pulls my arm a little more, making me stumble slightly. I poke my tongue out and pull the finger at him.

"Hurry up, y/n"

Mayb a part 2? If you guys want it?
Who knows.


GUYS, I finally made a chapter that wasn't Alex. Im still going to be mainly doing Alex imagines tho. Also I'm very excited for his new video today. Im pretty sure it's on fury's. It's gonna be a banger. Anyways, I'm off to sleep.

Have a good day /night. 

Bye BeAuTifuL hUmans <3
-1:36am 10/1:19

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