Cant sleep - g.a x y/n

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That's what's my phone read as I looked at the time. I sighed and rolled back over onto my back. I can't get to sleep, yet I'm so tired. I hate it. I can hear Alex quietly doing a insta live in the living room.

I get out of bed wearing one of Georgie's hoodies I stole and I pull on a pair of comfy shorts. I go into the lounge and Alex snaps his head to look over at me. "What are you doing up?" "You're never up this late" he quietly says to me, trying not to wake George or make the horrible upstairs neighbours angry.

"Couldn't get to sleep" I yawn waking into the kitchen and looking for a drink. "Want anything?" I ask Alex while he's responding to a question someone asked. "Nah im good."

I grab my water bottle form the drive and get some Oreos form the cupboard. I sit next to Alex to see if anything exciting in happening. "Hey guys" I smile at the camera. Alex and I answer questions for about 20 minutes. About our yt channels, new merch, favourite songs, all that Jazz.

I'm in my own little daze just hearing Alex ramble on about some Netflix show he's watching at the moment, when he says something that pulls me out of my daydream.

"Is y/n wearing George's hoodie?" Alex reads a comment from the chat. We look down at the hoodie and I realise it's one that he normally wears in his videos. "Um, yeah. I kinda just found it on the sofa and I was cold so I put it on. Didn't realise it was his." Alex and I both know that's a lie.

I tug at the stings of the hoodie and lay my head in Alex's shoulder. I can't seem to get George off my mind ever since that question came up. I smile slightly at all the people saying they would ship us together.

I do have a crush on  George but I would never tell him that and it wouldn't work out. He doesn't like me anyways and never would. I'm just his roommate.

I think Alex notices that I'm thinking about him now because he poked me in the side and told me I should sleep. I told Alex about my little crush awhile ago when he caught me staring at George.

I sigh and decide that's a good idea. I pick my head up off of Alex shoulder and say goodnight to everyone. As I put the food away and walk towards my bedroom, I decide to go into George's room. I don't know why but I convince myself it's just to make sure he's asleep. Totally.

I quietly open the door and see a small figure cuddled up, in bed in his phone. The light from the phone shines up onto his curly brown fringe and I see his head turn towards me.

"Hey" he whispers putting his phone on his bedside table. "Hi" i mutter, as I bounce from one foot to this e other.

Little did I know in the background of Alex's live it caught me going into George's, room not mine. And as soon as someone points it out it's all over Twitter and rumours are spreading saying we're dating. i wish.

I find myself shuffling into his room a little more, so he can see me better. "Can I sleep in here?" I ask yawning. "Yeah, of course"

This wasn't an unusual thing to happen. I slept in George's bed a lot actually. Whenever I do I get a better sleep. Only because he's there with me and he makes me feel safe. But I wouldn't admit it. It's just because he has a nicer bed than I do.

I flop down onto the bed next to him, closer than I intended to. "I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep." I mutter, feeling my eyes starting to close already. I roll onto my side facing him, taking in his eyes that are staring back at me. Even in the dark they are still bright.

I smile softly as I feel his finger trace small circles on the palm of my hand. "It's ok, y/n. You know you can come in here whenever." He whispers, his breath lightly touching my face because of how close we were. I lift my hand up and ruffle his hair a little bit, loving the soft feeling of it. "I know."

"besides, I like it" he says under his breath, so quietly that I don't even think I was supposed to hear it. He leans forward and gives me a gentle kiss on the forehead, his lips lingering there for a few seconds.

The butterflies in my stomach get bigger as he brushes some hair out of my face and leaves his hand on the side of my cheek. I look into his stunning eyes, to seem them staring back at me once again. George's eyes dart down to my lips and then back to my eyes again.

His lips crash onto mine in matter of seconds. It takes me a few seconds to respond because of how shocked I am. I never would have imagined this actually happening, ever. His soft lips mould into mine and we stay like that for a few seconds, before pulling away for air.

"I-woah" he breaths out. He says looking at me waiting for my reaction. "Yeah" is all I can manage to say, while having a stupid grin on my face.

I feel his arm drape over my waist and pull me closer to him. He gives me another small kiss before burying his head into my neck. "Goodnight Beautiful" he says, breath fanning on my neck. I snuggle into him my face in his chest.

"Goodnight, Georgie" I mutter half asleep, calling him by a nickname I made up for him not to long ago.

"Sleep well"

OoHh? Second Mr. Memeulous one in a row.

I just noticed that like all my fanfics end with them saying goodnight to each other and going to sleep? I should probably start writing something other than that lmao

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Have a good day / night guys xo

-1:37am 14/1/19

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