Bad to good - a.e x y/n

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Wowie I'm soo sorry for about how cringe and cliche this is about to be :/


It's currently 10:27 at night and I'm sitting on the couch editing a YouTube video I was working on. It's a 'we need to stop WillNe' video. The whole things a joke and I think it's a pretty funny video. Will is actually one of my best friends and he lives in an apartment a floor below me with his roommate Gee.

I was half way through the video and I was adding an effect over top of wills head to make it more square than it already was, for a really bad joke I made. Very original, I know. the door burst open and I quickly jump at the noise.

Alex walked through the door with tears running down his face, red eyes and super messy hair. He had definitely been running his fingers through it, which he does when he's upset.

"I'm s-sorry, I should've knocked o-or texted saying I was coming over" he says hiccuping in between his words.

" I just didn't know where else to go, and I really need to talk to som-"

"Shhh" I say softly as I cut the brown haired boy off. I pull him into a tight hug, wrapping my arms around his neck.

We stay like that for about 5 minutes as he quietly cries into my shirt, hiccuping softly a few times. His tears leaving a small wet patch on my shirt. I gently tug him towards the couch and sit him down on it. I run to my bedroom and grab a spear blanket from the end of my bed and a hoodie for Alex since he's absolutely freezing.

When I get back to the sofa I put the hoodie over his head and pull it over his shivering body. I smile softly at my best friend while I wipe tears off his face using my thumbs. I pull him close to me as I wrap the blanket I got around us. He lays his head on my lap and I run my fingers through his hair, knowing it comforts him.

I stay silent comforting him until he's mostly stopped crying. I sigh and look down at his red puffy eyes. "What happened" I say in a whisper.

"She cheated on me, y/n" he whispers, his voice cracking slightly at the end.

"What!?" I yell about to get up. I'm so grumpy. How could she do this to him? I swear I'm going to go and rip this girls head off. I never really liked her anyways. I only put up with here because she made Alex happy. "I'm going to slap her so hard her fake eyelashes fall off her face. And the would be pretty hard considering the about of glue she puts on thoes things"

Before I have the chance to fully get on my feet, a soft hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back slightly. I look down and my angered eyes meet his broken ones.

"Alex, let me go" I say. "Please y/n" he says begging me. "just stay she's not worth it anyways. And I want you here, with me."

He gives me another soft pull and I fall back onto the sofa. I feel most of my anger leave my body when he slightly smiles at me. "Maybe another time tho" he whispers.

I put a movie on the tv and quickly stand up to go get us a tub of chocolate ice cream.

As were sitting next to each other eating the ice cream he suddenly says "I think I like this other girl anyways." "What?" I say. I can't deny the small sharp pain that just went through my heart. I guess you could say I kind of like him, and he's never really noticed me that way. I'm always here for him when he goes after the wrong girl and they just end up breaking his heart. And I really don't want that to happen again.

"Yeah, I mean I obviously really liked h/e/n (his ex's name) but i think I've always liked this girl. I just push my feelings out of the way because I don't want to scare her off, just Incase she doesn't like me back"

"Oh, what's she like" i gulp not wanting to hear his answer.

"Well I've known her ever since I moved to London, she's extremely beautiful, has amazing eyes that I feel like I could drown in, she's always there for me when I need her, her laugh is the best thing I've ever heart"

"Oh wow Alex, it sounds like you love the girl, forget about like" I exclaim my heart dropping.
"You might know her actually" "really?"

I look to my right and trail my eyes up his body till they met his ocean blue ones. His eyes are still slightly puffy and there's so much love flowing around In his eyes right now. I have to shut mine to stop the tears that are about to start threatening to fall.

I'm about to open them when I feel soft, gentle, slightly wet lips on mine. My eyes fly open and I pull away slightly from the shock that struck my body.

He immediately pulls away "I'm so so so sorry I shouldn't hav-"

I cut him off again by pulling him by the collar slightly and pushing my lips onto his. He's seems slightly shocked by my action but smiles and kisses me back placing his hands on the small of my back. I rest one hand on his warm cheek and place one on the back of his head, slightly pulling at his hair, deepening the kiss.

Tingles are running all through my body and there a butterflies in my stomach having a party along with the rest of the zoo.

We both pull away trying to catch our breath and he has a wide grin on his face, and so do I.

"Wow" I breathe out.

"Yeah, wow" he says.

We smile at each other again and I snuggle into his chest as we fall asleep on each others arms.

Suddenly I'm not to mad at h/e/n anymore.

Sorry there's probably a bunch of spelling mistakes and this is pretty shitty. It's like 1am okay?

-1am 19/12/18

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