georige - w.l x g.a (2)

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Wills sandy skateboard finally comes to a stop at the side of a slightly run-down house. His eyes scan around making sure he's at the right place and he makes sure no one is looking. He isn't in the mood to take anyone else out. The good thing for Will is that the house is on a large property with a lot of tall trees out the front, so he's hopefully hidden away.

His slightly shaky hand made its way into his cold pocket, pulling out George's clean white bandana. Will had to take Georges because he got too much blood splattered on his. The bandana is quickly pulled over his stone face and tightened around the back of his head. He reaches up and pulls his hood further down so its nearly covering his soft but emotionless blue eyes. His hand trails along the waistband of his pants, delicate fingertips running over the cold silver knife and the hard textured material of the black pistol, hidden under his shirt.

An unsteady hand reaches for the old wooden doorknob, twisting it slightly. Will opens the door and slips inside, hiding behind a wall. He leaves his skateboard outside, hoping for a quick getaway. He takes a deep breath in trying to calm himself. Normally he's pretty calm in this situation, I mean he's done it countless times before. But this time he can't get in the right mindset and he doesn't know why. George's face appears in his mind, his soothing voice telling him to snap out of it. Shaking his head, George slightly moving to the back of his mind, he quickly remembers that he could get caught any second.

The map of the inside of the house shows up in Will's head as he tries to navigate his way around. He reaches for the shiny knife, inspecting it slowly before he decides that's what he wants to use today. Slightly calmer than before he creeps his way into the hall, listening out. The house is eerily quiet before he hears a slight humming sound coming from the kitchen, followed by the noise of chopping. At the end of the dusty hall, he peeks his head around the corner, eyes landing upon his victim. The medium height guy is dressed in casual clothes, black hair spiked upon his head. Will doesn't know much about him, all he knows is that he's a bad guy that needs taken care of. Bosses words, not his.

The guy makes his way to the wooden table, sitting down at his computer as his food is cooking. Perfect. Will makes his way behind him, but before he can land his first shot the guy quickly turns around, startling him slightly. Usually, he is prepared for that kind of stuff to happen but today it caught him off guard. The guy leaped out of his seat, staring at Will with wide eyes. He watches the guy closely as he looks around for something trying to defend himself. Will brings the knife to his side, taking a confident step forward.

"Hey mate," Will says to the scared guy in an unamused bored tone. The sharp medium-sized blade quickly gets plunged into the guy's stomach. A sickly mushy sound comes from the action, mixed with the ripping sound of the now bloody material of his shirt. He gasps for air as he's winded slightly from the impact. A loud groan emerges from his lungs after the initial shock wears off. Will suddenly remembers the guy's name is Daniel as he pulls the knife back to his side ready to strike again. This time he hopes he hits somewhere more vital that will send him to the ground.

He does the mistake of meeting Daniel's eyes. His pleading deep green eyes look exactly like Georges. Will becomes more vulnerable as his stance loses up. He shuts his eyes tightly trying to stop himself from thinking that. But when he opens them back up he sees George's soft face instead of Daniels scared one. His breathing gets deeper as he stares back at George, watching as blood pours out of his tiny frame. Will's vision gets slightly blurry as he feels himself leaving his head. He tries to get back into the right state of mind to finish his job, but it feels like everything is crumbling around him. He tries to steady himself on the side of the chair. Before he can do that, his face is suddenly being smashed into the side of the dirty wooden table. The knife leaves his sweaty hands, colliding with the carpeted floor. Wind rushes into his ears, headache immediately starting from the impact of the push.

Will flings his body around, fist quickly molding itself into Daniels smug face. All signs of George's face disappearing. He goes to reach for the knife but Daniel's gross rough hand meets the top of his cheekbone, splitting the red skin slightly. He stumbles back from the force. Daniel wasn't a big guy, but his punch hurt Will. He decided that he had had enough of trying to use his knife so he unsteadily reaches for his pistol. Another punch landed on Will's face, at the end of his eyebrow. He can already feel it starting to bruise and the blood that's starting to run down his face. He stumbles back again, but luckily it gives him enough time to finally pull the pistol from his pants, raising it. The pistol is aimed right at the middle of Daniel's head. Will avoids looking at his eyes, not wanting a retake of what just happened, and potentially risking his life even more. Daniel's eyes widen, taking a deep breath and his shoulders sag down, almost as he was accepting this was then end. Will's hand is slightly wobbly, still breathing deeply. His finger slowly slides over the cold trigger. He takes a step towards Daniel, shooting him straight through the eyes. A loud ringing sound leaves the gun and travels through the air along with the sound of Daniel's body crashing into the floor. Blood splatters everywhere and dribbles down his pale face luckily, most avoiding Will's body. Daniel's eyes are wide staring up at the ceiling but the colour in them is a lot duller now. Will raises the gun one more time, not hesitating to put another cold bullet into Daniel's head, never blinking once. The loud banging sound echoes in Will's head for a second time as he looks down at Daniels now dead, bloody body.

After it all settles in Will realizes he needs to get out of there, he quickly picks up his bloody knife and runs, feet hammering into the floor. Black spots still cloud his vision and his body is still shaking. He knows that he's not shaken up from the fighting, Will enjoys it. It's the fact that he seen George's face when he looked into Daniel's eyes and that he was feeling out of it the whole time. He shakily exhales while picking up his board and skating away from the house quickly. After sometime of unsteadily skating away from Daniel's house Will decides to lose the board and ditch it somewhere random, before he falls off and hurts himself some more. All he wants to do is get back home and see George. It might make him feel better and running the rest of the way might help him clear his head.

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