6 | He Loves Me Not

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"Have you told him yet?"

Iris was once again, the best at timing. Her head peeked into the view, with her body settling down on at the lunch table as she queries up a question—with a cheeseburger half-hanging out of my mouth. I look at her incredulously as she raise her defined brows awaiting an answer. I point at the burger as the answer before giving out a middle finger.

I complete my bite, swallowing as I turn to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, "to answer your question—no," I drop the aluminium-wrapped cheeseburger down on the tray. "I forgot."

Lies. The only thing that's been going through my head for the continuum of the week was the operation of tracking Miss Incomplete. I bargain back and forth, despite coming to an ultimate conclusion, if I should even help him. Sure, Julian is a nice guy and helping him would grant me a favour — but it also puts me at risk if I somehow, somewhere, lead him down the original road where I was sending the notes. I was pretty reckless with sending them.

Not to mention; the other day Julian threw a paper ball at the back of my head to grab my attention — probably seeking my answer — but instead, I brushed it off as a bug and continue on with the lesson.

"Why not?" Her full lips turned downwards in a frown, taking out her lunch from her bag. Iris has a problem with school lunch, speaking that she doesn't trust the cafeteria ladies enough with what goes into her stomach. In doing so, she ends up bringing her lunch to whatever suits her for the day—today: curry with rice and mini samosas.

"Ooo," I lead forward to take a piece of her samosa, when she slaps my hand away, eyeing me dangerous.

"No answer, no food." She declares, taking the same piece I touched and place it in-between her teeth. She waits expectantly, and I let out a sigh.


Graham's tray hits the table in a loud clank, causing the conversation to drop and eyes focus over to him. He looks towards me, his face pulled into a grimace. "You haven't told him yet," he declares, taking the burger from the tray as he unwraps it hungrily. My expression converts to astonishment to how he knew this. "Dean was pounding me with questions in what your answer is in conditioning."

"Why were you guys doing conditioning in study hall?"

"Soccer season starts soon, we've been getting out of shape." I eyed my best friend from head to, well from this point of view, waist. His body is pretty fit; sometimes Graham comes over to hang out but only to be side-tracked with Kenji begging him to play soccer with him. He does, and sometimes takes off his shirt in the process. So let me say, I know he's fit.

"So where's Julian?"

"Curious, aren't we?" The sting of Iris' tease called for me to rolled my eyes. She sends a look over to Graham who's eyes focused on me.

"I don't know, he had been trailing behind me, but I've left first since I was hungry." Graham went to take another bite from his burger, which seems to shrink to half the size with two bites. I nod.

The double doors opened, revealing the arrival of the soccer star. Julian burst in searching, his eyes zooming across the cafeteria before landing on our table; he begins to walk over. "Oh god," I mumble, wondering if it was too late to jump under the large table.

"Francena," Julian's long legs found their way to our tables in seconds, greeting with my name as he ignores all my other friends at the table. "Can we talk?"

I look between my friends, a pleading look to get me out of this situation before Iris butts in, answering, "of course she can," she throws a look of urgency towards me and I sigh. I pick up my bag, and begin to follow Julian out of the cafeteria. He took the lead and found sanction over in the corner, a bit away from the intersection of one of the busiest hallways. Great pick.

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