75 | He Loves Me

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"Exams are done! I'm completely drained from studying and Graham's consistent questions!"

Iris extends her arms out of the embrace as I shook my head. I pull down of her hands, "stop your pre-mature celebration, Cinderella, we still got our results to handle."

She snapped back into reality, her eyes found mine. "Don't say that—you make it sound like I did bad!"

I chuckle, "well, did you?"

She shakes her head, "I don't want to sound too cocky and lead into a bad grade, but I would say I did good. I think Graham did good too, with me tutoring him all of my stuff this whole year."

"So you're saying," I said, walking backwards as my body faced Iris. "That either Graham fails or succeeded, is because of your studying materials? Me, included since I sneak some of your shit?"

She smiles, "simply."

"Oh, great," I roll my eyes, turning my back towards her as I begin to walk towards my car. School had just ended our latest exam and our final one. The ending of the exams calls for the ending of the school day, and we're exiting out to go into going home.

"Graham is going to practise, right?" I queried, as Iris nods her head. "Julian too?"

"Last time I checked," this time, Tasha didn't have anything to hold Julian up and finally allowed time for him to go back to the team. Julian had to literally ask Tasha. What I remembered; they were happy about their returning captain, but the trio of theirs wasn't talking—still.

"Alright, let's go home—"

"Francena!" A voice screeched me from pulling forward. My eyes found their way to the back of the school building and finding Tasha running up to us. She was wearing a band tee, ripped jeans, a red-black flannel wrapped around her waist and combat boots. She manages to get to us quickly, before placing her hands on her knees and letting out a couple of pants.

I turn to Iris, who points down to Tasha and mouths mood.

"Are you—" she pants, "are you going prom shopping?"

"Not last time we checked," Iris answers before I got the chance to open my mouth. "Why?"

"Well, I heard it's coming up in like a week, and with exams now over, I can finally have to the chance to go to find something for Julian." She answers with a sly smile, "but since I'm a tomboy—" Iris rolls her eyes, "I don't like dresses."

Of course you don't, Iris mutters.

"Um, I didn't plan on going shopping for prom." I answer, turning back to Tasha as she gives me a quizzical look. "I just plan on using one of my old dresses for prom."

"Oh, how come?"

"I don't like buying dresses for one occasion. I have this dress from Graham's sister that I planned on using—"

"No! We have to go shopping together," Tasha hook her arms around us, arms wrapped around shoulders. "I've never had girl friends because so, since I have you, I want to experience the normal girl stuff."

"I don't know, Tasha. Francena and I—"

"Sure," I answered for Iris, finding her giving me a bewildered look as Tasha cheers. She smiles, going over and hopping into my car as Iris turns to me. Her eyes questioning my intentions.

"We're her friends, aren't we?"

"Didn't you tell me she said she would cut you—"

"I think she's trying to sound intimidating. She's too nice to do all that stuff,"

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