86 | He Loves Me Not

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Alright! This is the final chapter! I just want to say, it has been an amazing journey with all of you guys reading and all of you guys voting and commenting

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Alright! This is the final chapter! I just want to say, it has been an amazing journey with all of you guys reading and all of you guys voting and commenting. I'm so happy you decided to join me in this story till the end. Don't worry, this is the shorten version of what I want to say. At here will be an end credit (as i like to call it) that will explain all. Love each and everyone one of y'all reading!

Also: I want to add that Francena still has a fear of people leaving, and I still remembered that as I was writing this chapter so please don't call her hypocritical, because she still does have a fear of Julian leaving her even after everything because despite all their problems and there fixes, they still had problems before the story and will continue to have the same problems after the story. I didn't plan on either of their problems to go away in the span of a book because I want to show realism because that's whats most likely going to happen in a real-life relationship.

Ten days after graduation

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Ten days after graduation.

The official calls of summer.

Yet, I made no move to leave the house.

I look around my room, finding it in pure destruction. The books fell from the bookshelves, my pillows and blankets thrown across the rooms and everything in complete chaos.

I caused it.

I sat on the cold bed, my eyes lifelessly staring ahead of me. My desk, the only thing I left untouched in the mist of my outbreak, and just wondered.

What is Kenji doing right now?

Is he okay?

Is he safe?

Does he completely hate me?

I could barely stand the looks of my father. He tried to come in and talk to me a couple of times but only to be sent out the door. My grandma offered me many food; bringing it up to my room (something she doesn't usually do), but to no ado. I didn't eat what they brought; I only ate when hunger pained my stomach and forced me to indulge supplements.

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