Chapter 1

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My hair was splayed out, laid against my soft pillow in a tangled, knotted mess. I was covered by a blanket, a warm soft thing the colour of the night, and underneath I was dressed in tracksuit pants and a loose grey shirt.

My heart felt heavy again.

I listened to the cars roar outside as I stared at my ceiling. The light was shining directly in my face. It was my own fault for not closing the curtains properly last night; now the sun had woken me up with its annoying rays peeking through the window. I could imagine what it was saying. Time to get up, Jason. Face another day. I didn't want to get up, or face another day. That sounded like Hell. I could have moved to close the curtains, but it was so warm underneath my blankets and I refused to move until my sleepiness was gone.

"Jason! Time for lunch!" My mother's voice echoed throughout our apartment, sounding stressed but attempting to cover it up. I sighed and rolled over. I wanted to stay in bed for at least another ten minutes, but food smelled good and I was hungry. It had been two days since I had eaten, after all.

Grumbling to myself, I got out of bed and pulled on a hoodie. A deep sigh managed to escape from my throat as I rubbed my hands over my hair, trying to detangle it. In the kitchen, I could hear my two brothers fighting over a plate, as they did every morning. Jacob and Justin fought all the time, but they both saw eye to eye when it came to one thing; annoying me, their younger brother.

"Jason!" Mum shouted again. Ugh.

I opened my door and padded into the kitchen. "I'm here, I'm here," I muttered, annoyed.

She smiled down at me, and handed me a plate with some nachos on it. "It's lunch time, munchkin," She told me, kissing my forehead. "You never eat breakfast with your brothers and I anymore."

I eyed my two older brothers, who were wrestling and laughing, nachos spilling all over the floor. For two adults, they sure acted like children. I was seventeen, younger than them, and I didn't act that immaturely.. "I don't really think I mind," I replied. She rolled her eyes and was about to answer back when her phone rang. She forgot all about me as she answered the call.


I sat down at the table and rubbed my eyes sleepily again, thinking of my bed. Despite the fact I rarely moved from it except to go to the toilet, I still wanted to go back. To the warmth, to the dark. Away from these two idiots. On cue, Justin grabbed a handful of my food and shoved it into his mouth, laughing when I stared at him in disgust. Jacob did the same, except he ruffled my already messy hair too, making me grumble and shove his arm away. "Stop being an asshole!" I snapped. Justin took another handful of nachos.

"Stop being a brat," Jacob replied. I glared at him.

"I'm not--"

Our mother sat down at the table beside me, folding her white skirt neatly over the edge of her chair. She placed her phone beside her plate and smiled. "Guess what?" She said cheerfully. "Dan's coming home from America in a few hours. He can come to dinner with us!"

I groaned inside. Dan, or our father, was always an asshole to me, pushing me to get better grades or come out of my room, or be less emo. He never gave my brothers shit though, because they both were tall and well built, with blue eyes and straight golden hair. They were models after all, how did he expect me to compare? People had posters of Jacob and Justin stuck up all over their bedrooms, along with signed copies of some of their most famous photos, which would make it into popular magazines more often than not.

But me? I was small and serious. I had dark brown hair, which was never tamed, and dark blue eyes. My small figure was inherited from my mother, along with her hair too. But she dyed her brown hair blonde last summer, so now I stuck out like a sore thumb. Long story short, my family and I didn't exactly get along. The only one who was even remotely tolerable was my mother, but she was busy. Always busy.

"Great," I said sarcastically. Nobody heard me. Or, maybe they did and were just choosing to ignore me. Instead, Justin and Jacob complained about their newest photo shoot, which had been moved forward two days. My mother listened in interest and gave advice as I sat in silence, playing with my food. After a few minutes, I stood up and pushed my plate away. "I'm going back to my bedroom," I murmured.

"Remember we're going to eat dinner with Grandma tonight. Dress nice!" My mother patted my arm and let me wander away.

"Yeah, yeah," I agreed quietly before leaving. I shut my door and walked to my warm bed before I stopped myself. I was always being told that some sun would be a good idea. My bedroom was always dark, apart from my desktop computer and that one annoying ray of sunlight.

But I was exhausted. The sun was too bright, too fucking bright.

I shut the curtains properly and pulled the blankets over my head.

Author's note:

Hello there! Thanks for reading the first chapter!

There are some things I'd like to cover.

1: Yes, I know this chapter was REALLY SHORT. I'm SO sorry for that! I wrote this book when I was thirteen (I'm fifteen now) and I've only just started to continue with this story. Chapters will get longer, I promise.

2: I do NOT accept hate comments. Constructive criticism, or telling me about spelling or grammar mistakes is fine. But I will not accept hate comments telling me that my book is bad. If you do, I will remove your comment immediately and block you.

3: This is a LGBT+ book. Any homophobia will not be tolerated. As a member of the LGBT+ community myself, I'm very passionate about keeping this book friendly to my rainbow community!

4: This book talks and discusses mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. It does touch upon suicide, but hopefully nothing too triggering. If you're sensitive to these things, this might not be the book for you.

5: I'm calling every single one of you darlings. DEAL WITH IT!

6: As mentioned before, I'm part of the LGBT+ community. I am currently in the middle of coming out as a boy instead of a girl, so my name will be changed from Paige to Kai. Please don't say anything rude about it? I've had people messaging me about my gender before, and its still a sensitive topic for me, so I'd appreciate it if you just accepted it and moved on.

Thanks for reading the first chapter of The Snowy-haired Genius! Please be sure to vote/comment/share if you think this book is alright. Thank you!




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