Chapter thirty

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I was in the kitchen, sitting on the bench as I watched Winter bake. His face was flushed, his hair was messy, and there was a streak of flour on his cheek, but he looked extremely proud as he pulled out the tray of cupcakes out and put them on the cooling rack. He let out a satisfied huff, putting his hands on his hips. "Well, now all I need to do is wait for these to cool down, so I can decorate them."

"What are you going to decorate them like?" I asked, jumping off the bench as he took a bowl of light pink icing out of the fridge. He smiled. "I'm thinking I could make them look like little pigs."

I wrapped my arms around him pressed my cheek against his back, sighing. Winter smacked my hand away as I reached for the icing, making me pout and move away from him. "I just wanted to taste some, Winnie."

"Winnie?" He replied, sounding amused as he squeezed some of the icing onto one of the vanilla cupcakes. "Are you going back to that?"

"Maybe I am." I got back up on the bench, still pouting. He glanced at me, then sighed and got a spoon out of the draw. He scooped some of the icing up and handed me the spoon. I smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. "I love you."

"Love you too." He replied, going back to decorating his cupcakes. I put the spoon in my mouth, licking some of the pink icing off. I moaned. "This tastes so good, Winter."

He looked over at me, his face going pale. "Don't do that." He told me, his eyes on the spoon as I put my entire mouth around it. I blinked innocently at him. "Why?" I questioned, taking the spoon out of my mouth with a 'pop!'

"Just don't." He replied, rolling his eyes. I smirked. "Why? You getting a little turned on, Winter?"

I saw him shift awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't answer my question and finished decorating his stupid cupcakes, which were getting more attention than me. "Winnie? I love you." I said as he put all his cupcakes into a plastic container with a small smile on his face. He ignored me yet again, and this time it annoyed me. When he got close enough to me, I grabbed him by the shoulders and wrapped my legs around him. "Why are you ignoring me!" I hissed at him, scowling. He chuckled, putting the container on the bench beside me. "You look like an angry kitten, Jacey. Really, you do."

I pushed him away, making him stumble. "Whatever. I'm going upstairs." I grumbled, pushing past him and deliberately knocking my shoulder against his.

"Jace, don't be like this." Winter sighed and grabbed my arm. I glared at him. He smiled and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. I smiled a little bit, blushing when he leant in to kiss me.

At that moment, Donut bounded up to us, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he pounced at me. I fell over instantly and the dog began to lick my face.

"Ew!" I shouted. "Get the fuck off me, you fucking dumb dog!" I sat up, but the dog continued to lick my face, climbing on top of me as Winter laughed so hard he could hardly breathe. "Winter, stop laughing and help!" I suddenly felt the dog's tongue in my mouth. I shrieked loudly, the sound echoing around the house. "EWW! I SAID GET OFF! HAVEN'T YOU EVER HEARD OF HYGEINE YOU DUMB, STUPID PATHETIC MUTT?"

Donut pulled away. I shuddered, wiping my face with my sleeve. The dog sat down in front of me, panting. Winter smirked at me. "You have some dog spit on your face, Jacey."

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I hissed at him. "I will fucking hit you."

"You swear too much." Winter replied, rolling his eyes. I stood up and glared at him again, our almost kiss forgotten. I was angry. I didn't know why, but I was really angry. I pushed him. Winter didn't react, but Donut did. He growled at me, his teeth exposed. I swallowed. "Donut, stop growling. Stop looking at me like that, dog. Seriously."

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