Chapter twenty-four

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"You need to give the puppy a name." Winter told me a few days later as we were both sitting in the music room. I was eating donuts, reading, and trying to gather the courage to ask him if he wanted to learn to read, and Winter was half playing piano, but mostly he was stealing bites of my donuts.

"Dunno." I answered, taking a bite of a chocolate donut. He turned around and stared at me. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean, I don't know. I didn't want to get the dog anyways, so why would I need to name it?"

He blankly stared at me before sighing. "Donut."

"What? No, get your own." I protectively took another nibble of the chocolate icing on top. He smiled. "No, Donut. As in we could name the dog Donut."

"Okay. Donut it is." I blinked up at him. "Winter..." I trailed off. He curiously crossed his legs and tilted his head. "Yes?"

"Would you like to learn to r-read?" I swallowed and looked down. "I just thought, maybe I could teach you..."

In what seemed less than a second, he moved away from his piano and toward me, pressing his lips firmly against mine. Surprised, I fell backwards, off the bench I was sitting on to the floor. We both groaned when we hit the floor, but Winter pulled away to smile.

I smiled back, mesmerized by his gorgeous blue eyes. We spent the next ten seconds studying each other's faces, Winter laying on top of me.

"You have some chocolate there." Winter's eyes trailed down to the side of my lip. Flustered, I reached up to wipe at where he said it was, but he pulled my hand away and kissed me again. This time, we went a bit further.

He tugged at my shirt, breaking the kiss for only a moment. I moaned as he tugged at the band of my boxers and squirmed underneath his touch.

His clothes were the next thing to go. He threw them onto the pile beside us and pulled me into this kiss again. Out tongue fought for dominance, but of course he won and got to explore my mouth.

"W-winter!" I moaned as his fingers lingered at my hole, but as if realizing something, he pulled away quickly. "We can't, Jace. We really can't. Do you know how old I am?"

"Nineteen?" I questioned, and he nodded. "The age of consent is sixteen though." I pouted.

"Well, all of that goes out the window when you've been kidnapped." He stood up and started to gather his clothes. "Get dressed."

"Winter." I stared up at him, leaning on my elbows. "Please. I've never really wanted it before, but I do now. I really want it now."

"I already told you, we can't." He threw my shirt at me. I caught it, sighed, and started to get dressed.


I was wrapped up in Winter's fur blankets, waiting for him to return. Ever since that afternoon, I had been wanting more than kisses. I wanted to have sex with him. I really wanted it. But part of me was worried he didn't like me in that way. Maybe he just thought he could make me fall in love with him and then just leave.

"Jacey?" Winter crawled into bed beside me and wrapped both his arms and legs around me. Sulking, I tensed up.

"What's wrong with you?" He teased, poking me in the ribs. I just sighed.

His smile disappeared, and I could hear the worry in his voice the next time he spoke. "Seriously, Jacey. Are you okay?"

"You don't like me, do you?!" I turned back to look at him, tears threatening to spill out of my ears. Taken back, his eyebrows creased in confusion. "What are you talking about? I'm pretty sure I tell you how much I like you every day."

I swallowed and turned red, my eyes trailing down. He must have noticed the look on my face, because he pulled me closer and nestled his face into my dark hair. "Of course I like you, Jace. I just really can't have sex with you."

Tears were falling out of my eyes as I nuzzled into his chest. "Nobody's ever liked me before and I'm so worried that the feeling is just going to go away." I sobbed and clung to his shirt, which was getting soaked with my tears.

"I do like you, Jace. And I want to sleep with you more than anything, but I can't. I'm nineteen, you're seventeen, I literally kidnapped you. When this is all over we can go for it all night." He bit my earlobe, and I closed my eyes. "You mean we'll still be together when I go back to Melbourne?"

"Hm, about being together..." He pulled away from me. My eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed that we were boyfriends. I m-messed up, didn't I?"

"Stop doubting yourself so much. Come here." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Jace. Will you be my boyfriend?" When he saw my look, he added on "Officially."

"Okay." I swallowed, but my mind was already racing with thoughts of what our future could be like, what might happen, what our relationship would be when all of this was over.

"Yay!" Winter flipped me onto the bed and began to bite my neck playfully.

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