Chapter three

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I struggled and kicked against the men as they forced me down onto the floor of the car. "Help me!" I screamed, fighting against them. "Help!"

"Shut him up. Now."

There was the feeling of a small prick against my neck and I let out a cry of pain. All too soon, I began to feel sleepy. "Help me..." I murmured, shoving arms away weakly. "H-help..."

My eyelids drooped, and I stopped struggling against them. I blinked. They stopped holding me down. I sighed and let the drug take over.


When I woke up, it was dark. I was lying in a single bed. Definitely not my house. It was never this dark at my house, unless I was in my bedroom.

Maybe I was just imagining things. Maybe this place was my bedroom.

I moved my foot underneath the blankets before realising that there was something heavy connected to my ankle. I felt it in the darkness, shivering as my hands connected with the cold metal.

I crawled out of bed, gripping the chain on my foot. It was connected to a wall.

"Hello?" I called out, my throat dry. I stood, holding onto the wall for support.

Where's the door?

I felt along the wall, inching forward to make sure I didn't bump into anything. I could go around the whole room, except the chain kept getting tangled by the table in the middle of the room. My eyes had started to adjust to the darkness, and I could make out a single bed, a table, a few chairs, a couch, a chest of draws and two doors.

I chose the one closest to the bed and opened it, feeling for a light switch on the side of the door. It turned on and light flooded into the room. I blinked, rubbing my eyes. A bathroom. That must mean the other one was the exit.

Now I could see my way around the room, I ran toward the other door, the chain jangling behind me, and turned the light switch on. More light.

"Hello?" I shouted again, louder this time. The chain dragged along the ground behind me as I walked back to the bed. "Justin, Jacob, I swear to god if this is one of your stupid fucking pranks, it's not funny! Let me out!" I opened the draws, searching for some kind of clue as to why this was happening. They were all empty, the bare wood on the bottom staring up at me as if it was laughing. I scowled at it and slammed the draws closed.

"It's not a prank," Somebody said. I turned around in fright and stared at the boy at the doorway. He had blonde-white hair, so white it seemed like snow. He was wearing a white hoodie and some white skinny jeans, matched with a pair of white sneakers.

"Let me go!" I shouted at him. He smiled dangerously. As he did, I could see his the light reflecting off his eyes. Blue, bright blue. Bluer than mine. Electric blue. I stared.

"No can do, Jace- Can I call you Jace? I'm gonna call you Jace."

"No, you can't call me Jace. Let me go!"

"Nah," He closed the door behind him. "Where's the fun in that? Your darling father has something I need, and you can't go until that thing is in my possession."

"Is it money? My Dad will pay whatever-- just let me go!" My throat was hoarse as I screamed at him, pressed up against the wall. I had never learned to fight, but I was willing to figure it out if he tried to touch me. "Please, please! Please... Please just let me go. I can get you your money."

"Oh, I don't want money," The boy said calmly. He smirked and stepped toward me. "I want something else..."

Author's Note:


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