Chapter thirty-three

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"Darling, time to get up." My mother shook my shoulder. I groaned and rolled over, ignoring her. Donut stood up and waved his tail at my mother, who smiled and began to pat his head. "Darling, time to get up." She repeated. "You can't spend all day in bed."

"Sure I can."

"No, no you can't." She sighed, tugging on my arm. I looked up at her. "What's so important about today, huh? It's just therapy."

"It's your birthday, honey. You're eighteen now." She smiled at me. "I bought you a lot of presents. They're on the table downstairs."

It had been three months since I had arrived back in Melbourne, and during that time, my mother and Dan had broken up. I didn't see him or my brothers anymore. We moved to a new house, this time over the other side of Melbourne.

I also hadn't smiled since I left Winter's house.

There had been no contact. I would have thought he hated me now, if it hadn't been for the last words he spoke to me.

"I have to go darling. I love you. I'll be... I'll be back."

"Okay... When?"

"I don't know. But I promise I'll be back, one day."

"Mum, I love you." I told my mother. She looked surprised, but she smiled and began to cry. "I love you too, Jason. I really do."

"And I'm sorry. I promise I'll be back, one day. I'm eighteen now. I'm a grown up. I need to go." I stood up and opened my cupboard door. There was a suitcase sitting there, already packed. I picked it up and pulled on a hoodie, as well as some shoes. Then I looked back at my mother, who looked confused. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be back, Mum. I need to find someone. I love you." I hugged her tightly before rushing out the door with my suitcase and my dog.


Winter sat on his bed, staring blankly at the wall. Memories of Jason were still around the house, pictures, his clothes, his favourite foods and books.

He made a stupid decision by sending him back. He really did. But now he knew the truth.

His parents were dead. Their graves and bodies were proof. And Jason didn't love him anymore. He had to accept that and move on.

But he couldn't. Every week he had left Jason in the house to go and visit his parent's graves had been torture. He hated being away from his boyfriend for those weeks he left.

And now, he hadn't seen Jace in three months. It was his boyfriend's birthday, and he couldn't even see him.

He had dumped Jason back in Melbourne because of the painful truth. He knew his parents were dead. Four months ago, he didn't, but now he did. Somebody, a grave robber, had dug up his father's grave. Victor had showed him photos. He hadn't wanted to, but Winter had screamed and thrown things until Victor gave him the photos.

The photos of his father's rotted corpse.

So now he knew they were dead. And now he accepted they were dead. Which had meant that Jason had been kidnapped for no reason. Guilt tore at Winter's chest as he thought about what he had done. He had ruined everything. Jason was probably heartbroken. Winter had taken his virginity and left him.

He was pathetic. So fucking pathetic.

"Sir, there's somebody here. He's wearing a hood and he's standing at the gate with a dog. Should I let him in? One of the dogs might have escaped and he might be bringing it back."

"Sure." Winter waved and stood up. "Let him in."

He followed the bodyguard downstairs. There was a knock at the door. Winter sighed, wrapping his arms around himself. He looked like shit. He hadn't eaten proper food in ages and his hair had grown out. He didn't want to be seen.

"Open the door." He directed, too tired to do it himself. Two men pulled the double doors open.

Winter stared.

The boy-No, the man in front of him smiled sadly. "Hi Winter."

He didn't know what to do. He just stood there, unmoving. The person stepped inside. "I... you left the mutt so I bought him back."

Winter felt a tear escape his eye. "Jacey... You're back."

Jason smiled and nodded.

The End.

Author's Note:

And that's it! Now we only have the epilogue to go, which I'm writing at the moment. It's super cute haha.

How do you feel about the ending? Did it surprise you? Obviously, it wouldn't have because the ending wasn't meant to. If I really wanted to surprise you, then I would have made Jason wake up in the hospital and the whole thing had been a dream, but even though i might be an asshole, I'm not THAT big of an asshole.

Anyway, I have an epilogue to write. Thanks for reading, darlings! Lots of hugs and kisses to all of you- Especially the girls cuz I'm like really gay :)



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