Chapter two

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Paparazzi was to be expected when you walked around the streets of Melbourne with one of the richest men in Australia, who happened to be your father. Even more when you were with your model brothers and famous actor mother. I had never liked to be the center of attention, so luckily I wasn't exactly the one attracting all the photographers. That was my brothers, and my parents. People didn't really pay attention to me, which I was okay with.


Of course, my brothers posed for pictures. My mother made a big deal about putting on her headscarf and sunglasses but smiled at the cameramen anyway. My father, who had only flown back from America this morning, kept strutting around the city streets and ordering me around like he owned me.

"Smile, Jason!" He said, frustrated. I ignored him, tugging on my mother's arm.

"Can we please just go into the restaurant?" I begged, wanting to get inside as fast as I could.

She sighed and flashed another smile at the cameras. "Okay, okay," She said, grabbing my father's hand. "Come on, honey. Boys come on!"

"Those damn paparazzi," Dad growled as he took off his coat. I rolled my eyes, knowing that they all loved it. Why did I have to have a family of fakes?

"Hello dears!" Our grandmother hobbled toward us, tackling my sibling in hugs and patting my head awkwardly. We weren't exactly close. I was okay with that too. Sometimes.

The waiter offered to take my coat, but I glared at him and he fell still, clearly not sure what to do.

I knew it was a mistake for me to be wearing what I was wearing, and the reactions would clearly be less than happy, but I hadn't been thinking while putting it on. I was distracted, as usual. Now I was paying the price for my daydreams. Sometimes, I wished that my head wasn't always caught in the clouds, but I knew that overtime it had become a coping mechanism. I mean, it had to be, right? Or was I just too dumb to actually pay attention to reality?

I liked to dream of living by myself. Maybe I'd have a cat. I would never talk to my fucking family again.

My mother nudged my ribs angrily. "Let him take your coat, Jason!" She whispered furiously. I sighed and unzipped my black hoodie, revealing my Black Veil Brides shirt, with a long sleeved black and white one underneath. My dad scowled. My grandmother muttered to herself about my clothing taste. Mum just sighed, which was worse because she was clearly just disappointed. "I told you to dress nice, Jason. Honestly."

"Sorry," I mumbled, following them all to the table. Once we were all seated and had ordered our food, my parents started to talk about politics and the cameras outside. I leaned lazily on my elbow, already wanting to go home and sleep. I let my mind drift elsewhere as I watched the other people in the restaurant, making up imaginary lives for them.

A few minutes later I noticed a boy my age serving someone a few tables away from me. I couldn't help but smile back as he caught my eye and winked.

He turned and bent over, his back turned to me. He was gathering some empty glasses off a table. I stared, biting my lip.

"It's against God," My grandmother snapped suddenly, which caught my attention. I looked back at her, confused.

"Huh?" I replied dumbly.

"Don't 'huh' me, Mister. I don't plan to have a queer in my family," She said haughtily. My heart sank, my hands bunching into fists as she continued to speak. "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Gays are confused. People can help you, now days. Come to church with me this Sunday. Let God speak to you."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Gay people are not confused, you old hag."

My father grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Jason, don't you dare talk to your grandmother that way! Apologise!"

"Get off me!" I snapped. I tugged my chin away from him, wishing more than ever that I was back home, asleep, ignoring the world. I hated him. I hated all these people. Even my mother, who more often than not defended me when I argued with people, was silent, her eyes lowered to the floor.

Dad pointed at me in a threatening way. "You keep acting disrespectful and I'm going to have to ground you!"

"Do it! See if I was fucking care!" I hissed, standing up. My brothers, mother and grandmother were silent. Dad stood up as well and held his hand out.

"Right, that's it. Phone. Now," He all but snarled.

I dug into my pocket and slammed my phone on the table, the earphones tangling up around it. He put it in his pocket. "Now sit down and shut up."

I sunk into my seat, already blushing at the fact he had totally destroyed me. My father sat down as well, satisfied. He knew he had won that fight, like he won almost all of others.

"I don't want a damn fag in my family." My grandma muttered. "Disgraceful. Imagine the picture the magazines will paint of him if they find out. I told you, Daniel, you should have sent him to that boarding school while you had the chance."

That's it.

"Fuck you!" I yelled, my voice cracking slightly. "Just... Just fuck you. Fuck you all."

I stood up and walked out of the restaurant, not even bothering to grab my jacket. I fucking hated them. Their opinions messed with my head, their words tearing at my pale skin every time they spoke.

My eyes filled with tears as I pushed past the paparazzi. A few of them snapped photos, but most didn't care.

No one ever cared.

Was I okay with that?

I don't even know anymore.

I turned down the darkest street I could find, trying to block out my thoughts. A black car was following me, its windows tinted. I turned and stared at it, expecting it to be my mother or one of my brothers, trying to bring me back home, but to my surprise the big ute wasn't one I recognised.

The door opened. I stared at the unfamiliar men inside. They was grabbed me and pulled me into the car.

Author's Note:

Phew! Second chapter published. You have no clue how nervous I am. This book has been in my folders for over a year.

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