Valentine's Day Special

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I opened my eyes, sleepily gazing up at the ceiling before rolling over and finding that the bed was covered in rose petals. I sighed and began to snuggle into the blankets when I realized something.

The fuck are rose petals doing all over the bed?!

I instantly sat up, shouting as loudly as I could in shock when I discovered in annoyance the entire room was covered in rose petals, flowers, and teddy bears.


All I got in reply was laughter, followed by barks of excitement from the dogs as I heard him racing up the stairs. He pushed open the door and threw himself onto the bed, making me fly up into the air. "Do you like it?" He asked with a proud smile.


He pouted at my grumpiness and tried to pull me onto his lap, but I pushed him away with a scowl. "I'm not in the mood. This is going to take fucking ages to clean up."

"Don't swear please. I'll just get Sammy to do it-"


He suddenly narrowed his eyes. "You fucking love it." He growled. "You don't always have to be like this, you know. I don't think it's occurred to you yet, but Winter is seriously trying. Now, stop being a little bitch baby and admit it."

I swallowed, looking at who I assumed was Aiden out of the corner of my eye. Even though I wanted to love the rose petals, I couldn't stop thinking about how long it was going to take to clean, how they would all just end up wilting and it was a waste of money.

Aiden pounced at me and I squeaked as he pinned me to the bed, straddling me. "You love it, don't you?" He asked with a smirk.

"Is it cheating on Winter if I say I really want to get fucked by you right now?" I asked, biting my lip. Aiden sighed and raised his eyebrows. "I mean, technically..."

"Come on. Just this once." I managed to pull my wrist away from his hand and picked up a handful of rose petals. He looked confused for a second before I threw them at his face. He shouted, moving off me as he pulled rose petals out of his hair. But when he looked back up, I was nowhere to be found.

I bit my lip, hugging my legs to my chest as I heard him pace the room, looking for me. I was squeezed into the wardrobe, hiding underneath our numerous amounts of hoodies and the dirty laundry basket. I could see his feet from the crack underneath the door, the shadows moving as he grumbled to himself.

And, though I hated being pushed into such a small space and hiding from my.... Boyfriend kind of... There was some type of thrill to it. I covered my mouth as I let out a small giggle, nearly gasping.

His feet stopped moving. "Jason, you get the fuck out," I heard him say. "I know you're in there."

But still, even though my hiding place had been given away and he knew exactly where I was, I refused to move until he threw open the cupboard door, crossing his arms at me. I glared at him.

He moved forward and grabbed me by the arm, heaving me out of the cupboard as he pushed me down onto the bed. He began to attack my neck with kisses, making me gasp his name.

"Winter isn't going to be impressed." I said.

"Tell him that you thought it was me. Quickly, shirt off."

Author's Note:

Okay, so I originally wasn't going to do a Valentine's Day chapter. But... I don't know, I'm kind of a lovesick fool right now so I decided to take my light head-edness (that's not a work buttfuck it. Get it. Get it. Get it? Buttfuck? But fuck it? Anal? Because they're doing anal? I waste my puns on you guys, honestly.) on a cute little chapter between Aiden and Jason.

I did feel like I didn't have enough Jaiden (that's Aiden and Jason's ship name. Winter and Jason's is Janter.) so I decided You know what? I think I'll write a cute Jaiden chapter.

More questions, since I'm starving for attention!!

1. Who do you prefer, Aiden or Winter?

2. Jaiden or Janter?

3. Did you enjoy this chapter?

4. How did you imagine my characters to look like?

5. If Winter and Jason were to have kids what do you think their names would be?

6. Why you so cute? Honestly, you're fucking adorable omg.

Feel free not to answer any of them. I'm just bored and decided to write down these asks.

Do you guys want a Q&A? If so, then write down some questions in the comments and once I get my FUCKING INTERNET FIXED I'll try to answer them.

Also. Who has a Valentine for Valentine's Day? I do!!! Usually I don't celebrate it, but then my friend asked me to be her Valentine and since I don't really like her like a friend should *wink, wink* I said yes. I don't know why I'm including this. I'm just so fucking happy omfg!!!

ANYWAY. I'm going to go annoy my cat Lenni now. I love you all!



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