Chapter fourteen

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Winter was gone when I came out of the bathroom. I sat down on the bed with a sigh, clutching one of the blankets tightly in my fists as I sat there, my eyes squeezed shut. I was silent for only a moment before I started to cry. I curled up under the blankets and cried my stupid heart out.

He had kissed me. We had kissed! I had liked it, but I... But I had basically rejected him. What's wrong with me?

Now that I had felt his lips against mine, I wanted it again. More than anything. The feeling of his lips, his hands, just him in general, it was addicting. It had been my first kiss and I had fucked it all up!

It was too complicated. I wanted to go back to the apartment, to my own bed, so I could sleep and never wake up. I wanted my parents to pay the fucking ransom and get me out of Winter's presence before I had to talk with him and speak about all that had happened. I just wanted to leave. I wanted to go back, to numbness and silence, and darkness. I didn't want to feel it anymore.

I must have fallen asleep at one point, because when I woke up Winter was tugging at my foot. "Time to get up, Jacey," He smiled both sadly and awkwardly.

I sat up and looked at him with eyes full of tears. "Anything from my parents?" Was the first thing I said. Winter shook his head.

I tried to hold back the tears. I really did. But when he sat down beside me, a sob escaped my lips. Tears started to run down my face, and I scrunched my fingers up into my hair, tucking my head into my knees. I couldn't stop bawling, couldn't stop my shoulders from shaking and the snot dripping out of nose onto the blankets.

Winter was staring at me sadly when I looked back up. His blue eyes were full of sorrow and grief, and for a moment I thought he was going to hug me, but he must of thought against it because he instead looked down at the bed sheets sheepishly. 

"I'm sorry about last night," I whimpered. "I'm sorry about being mean to you. I'm sorry about pulling away. I'm sorry I said that stuff to you. I'm sorry I led you on and-- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Winter sighed and finally moved towards me. I let out a sob of relief and buried my face into his neck, continuing to apologize. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't say sorry so much," He played with the hem of my shirt and ran a hand through my knotted hair to comfort me. "You're starting to sound like a broken record."

I laughed wetly, looking up at him. Winter wiped my tears away with his thumb. "Besides," He continued. "It was my fault anyway. It was stupid of me to kiss you. I know that."

"It wasn't stupid," I blurted out. "I... I think I... Might have enjoyed it..."

He grinned. "Oh yeah? So I was good then?"

"Yeah," I shrugged and looked away, embarrassed. He laid down on my bed, pulling me with him until we were both on our sides, staring at each other. 

"Who else have you kissed before?" He asked curiously. "Because you were alright too. Not amazing, but not bad."

I looked away. It was a question I had been dreading. Maybe it was just best to keep quiet until he dropped the subject.

He didn't drop the subject.

"Jace?" He asked, nudging me. "Who else have you kissed?"

I looked up at him, a blush spreading over my cheeks. He saw my red face and his mouth fell open. "Wait. Wait, wait, wait. You've never kissed anyone before me?"

I nodded my head slowly. A smile spread on his face. "You're a virgin?"

I sat up, crossing my arms and turning my back on him. "I told you, nobody likes me, okay? Can you not make a big deal out of it?"

"Sorry, I just..." He shook his head, smirking. "Who would have guessed you'd never done anything? It's crazy! I mean, look at you!"

"Can we just drop it and go and eat breakfast?" I sighed. He stood up, holding his hand out to me. 

"Yes, of course. Come and eat breakfast, sweet little virgin."

"Don't call me that!"


"I want to show you something," Winter took my hand after breakfast and brought me up to his music room. I looked around at the familiar room, confused. 

"What is it?"

"Sit down," He told me, and I sank into the seat beside him. He stretched his fingers, a crack sounding through the room, before he experimentally pressed a few keys. "If I'm correct," He said casually, "Which I usually am, your favorite song is Lost Boy, yes?"

I nodded. He took a deep breath before he started to play. I stared at him.

"There was a time, when I was alone, nowhere to go and no place to go home. My only friend was the man in the moon, and even sometimes he would go away too..." He caught my eye and smiled. I mouthed the lyrics he sung, tears of happiness pricking at my eyes.

"Peter Pan, that's what they call me. I promise that you'll never be lonely..."

When the song was finished, he turned and smiled at me. "What did you think?" He asked.

Without thinking, I leant forward and captured his lips in my own, my eyelids fluttering closed. He kissed back, his hand on my cheek.

"Can you just make up your mind already?" He sighed when we broke apart. I shot him a questioning look.


"Do you like me?"

I thought about how he had called me gorgeous. About how he kissed my head when he thought I was asleep. How warm his body was, how easily and perfectly I fitted into his arms. How my heart skipped a beat every time I thought about him. His art studio, his beautiful music, his amazing voice. I liked him, I really did. I had never felt anything like it before.

But for some reason, I couldn't find the willpower to tell him. I had too many feelings to express, and no words to put them into. All I had ever felt was bitterness and hate, and feeling so much... It scared me. It really scared me. So I answered, "I don't know."

Who knew a single sentence could be so hard? Yes, I like you.

"You know, I memorized that song for you. Because I knew you liked it."

"Why did you memorize it?" I asked. "You could have just searched the lyrics up."

"Because..." He trailed off. "Well, never you mind, Jace." 

I pressed one of the keys, loving the cold feeling of the key underneath my finger. "Can you teach me to play?"

Winter laughed. "I can't just 'teach you' piano--" At the look on my face, he sighed and nodded. "Okay, come sit on my lap."

I grinned and crawled onto his lap, sitting on him like he was a chair. He adjusted his position briefly before he touched my hands, moving them until he was satisfied with where they sat on the keyboard. "We all know Hot Cross Buns," He told me, and I nodded in agreement. "Well, that's what we'll start with. Choose  three keys. Any, doesnt matter, as long as they're next to each other. Do you know what to do?"

I pressed one of the keys as an answer. "Its Hot Cross Buns, Winter. I know how to do that."

Author's Note:

Aww! They're so cute together! I love them haha. I also really adore Jason. He's such a cutie, and a little tsundere! And Winter is also one of my favourite characters, even though there's not much to choose from. Out of all the characters I've introduced so far, Jason is my favourite, but Winter comes pretty close haha!

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Thanks for reading my darlings,




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