Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the OHSHC characters. They belong to their rightful and lucky creator, Bisco Hatori. I however, only own my OC.

A/N: This is a FANFIC. Meaning the name of the prime minister in this story is not real, obviously. Warning, this fanfic contains a kinda OOC Kyoya, mature themes (maybe/not really) and A LOT of swearing. No seriously, like a shitload of swearing. Enough of my ranting, on with the story~!

© 2014 by The_Shadow_Queen

My name is Chaerin Meitu. In case you were wondering, I'm Japanese and Korean. I have light brown hair, parted to the side, that reaches my waist. I have long eyelashes that frame my ice blue eyes, a button nose and heart shaped lips.

Two weeks ago, a new prime minister was elected for Japan, Akihiro Suzuki. He was a great choice for prime minister because he isn't corrupted, although I'm not into politics. Akihiro was also the head of one of the top electronics companies. A few days ago, I found out that I'm Akihiro's daughter. He's been very kind to me during my stay at his mansion. I have to live with him in order to be protected during my sleep.

Now that I have criminals trying to kidnap me and hold me for ransom, I have a team of bodyguards, though normally I just use one. His name is Dai Takaoji. I think he's 20 and he has raven black hair and hazel eyes. I don't know much about him, but he's the one I trust the most. And he's pretty handsome. But my heart belongs to someone else. Someone who I've been waiting for all these years, but haven't talked to for a while.

Anyways, my father wanted me to live my life normally. Continue going to school, hanging out with my friends, but I have to have a bodyguard with me at all times. It was going to make it hard to blend in at my new school. I was attending Ouran Academy, a prestigious school for the snobby and rich people, with the exceptions of the honour students. And the school was painted freaking pink!

I don't mind wearing the color when I have to pull my innocent act. Or when I have nothing else to wear. But I have a feeling that since I'm going to have to be at the school, practically every weekday, it'll start to become a color I hate.

I had gotten into the school on a scholarship despite my father being able to pay the fees. But I thought that the more money we save, the better so why not? Unlike most rich people who throw around money like confetti. I have been wanting this new mermaid style dress... Anyways, it was my first day and we decided to keep my last name as Meitu (my mother's last name), instead of changing it to Suzuki so that I wouldn't be recognized. Though, it is a pretty popular surname in Japan.

Most criminals, if not all, know that I'm his only living blood relation. But the only normal people who know are my bodyguards, the teachers and the dean. The dean and the teachers had to know in able for me to have my bodyguard. I was walking to class 1- A with my bag on my shoulder and Dai on my right hand side. I suddenly realized that I had forgotten my textbooks.

"Dai? Would you mind getting my textbooks in my locker, please? I forgot them."

Dai glanced at me and smiled "Of course, Miss Meitu."

I frowned slightly at him "I told you to just call me Chaerin. Enough with the formalities. And it's awkward to hear you call me Miss Meitu all the time."

He smirked at me, amused by my reaction and said "My apologies, Chaerin".

I looked at him as we continued walking "Dai, can you please just get my textbooks? I don't want to be late."

"Yes, Chaerin." He turned and sprinted in the direction of my locker.

I sighed and walked into class, clutching my notebook against my chest. I was wearing a blue and white striped long sleeve crop top, black high waisted shorts and black converse. And I had a black leather shoulder bag that was big enough to put my pencils and some textbooks in. I had the money to afford the uniform, but I refused to wear that yellow monstrosity. So the dean had allowed me to wear my normal clothes. He mentioned this to my teachers and they had announced it to the class the day before I started here. Just so that they wouldn't bug me about not wearing the uniform, though I'm pretty sure they'll ask me why I don't want to wear it.

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