Chapter 2

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I walked into the lunch room, looking for Haruhi. I noticed her sitting at a table in the middle of the large room. She was sitting at the table with a group of guys and I only recognized the twins. I didn't remember seeing the rest of them in class, so I assumed they were from different years. I asked Dai politely to get his and my lunch as I walked over to Haruhi. She smiled when she noticed me and told me to sit down beside her, away from Hikaru and Kaoru.

Right after I sat down, some blonde guy started to invade my personal space. He grabbed my hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it. I pulled my hand away and pushed him off of me. He tilted my chin up, making my ice blue orbs look into his violet ones.

"Hello Princess! I guess you're the new honour student, right? Well, just be careful not to fall for me."

"Oh that won't be a problem, I'd never fall for you. And you have five seconds to get the hell off me before I beat your ass. I'm not your damn princess!" I glared at him and he immediately began sulking in a darkened corner. What the hell is his problem? This dude sure is moody.

Haruhi noticed that I was annoyed "That's Tamaki Suoh, the annoying one I was telling you about earlier." She pointed to the blonde, still sulking in the corner.

Suoh, huh? I guess he must be the dean's son. I expected him to be.. Well, completely different.

"That's Kyoya Ootori," she said pointed to a guy with onyx hair and glasses, typing away on his laptop.

Hm.. So he's the third and youngest Ootori son. His family is well known in the medical buissness. Wait, why does he look so familiar? I know his family's famous and all, but I feel like I actually know him from somewhere...

"That's Mitsukuni Haninozuka, also known as Honey-senpai," She gestured to an awfully short, blonde boy with big brown eyes and a pink rabbit. Hm.. a shota.

"That's Takashi Morinozuka, aka Mori-senpai." She pointed to a tall black hair boy with a stoic expression on his face.

"And unfortunately you already met the twins. So do you want to introduce yourself?"

I nodded and said "I'm Chaerin Meitu. Pleasure to meet you all."

Haruhi shot me a somewhat sympathetic glance before whispering to me. "You won't feel that way for long"

I looked at her puzzled but she didn't explain. I made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Kyoya had decided to look up and stared at me in shock. I didn't quite understand why though...

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?" I asked, looking for a mirror in my bag.

"Jessica?" He asked suddenly which makes my head jerk up. What the hell...?

"Jessica Ann Meitu?" Shit! How does he know my real name?! This is bad. Wait...

I suddenly remembered why he looked familiar..

"Kyoya? The Kyoya Ootori I knew as a kid?" I asked.

(A/N: You'll understand why Kyoya is so OOC when it comes to Chaerin / Jessica later on.)

He nodded and said, "Wow, you've really changed since then. And.. Did you dye your hair? I remember it being a dark brown color.."

"Yes I dyed my hair... You look even more mature now! I can't believe it. God, I missed you so much!" I said and ran up to him. I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. He stroked my hair softly.

"It's been so long. How many years has it been now? 6? Why didn't you keep in contact with me?! I missed you so much and I got worried." He said.

(A/N: Chaerin/ Jessica has been friends with Kyoya since they were 8. And only she can bring out this side of Kyoya.)

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