Chapter 17

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~ Kyoya's POV ~

Frick... maybe I shouldn't have said that. I know she isn't cheating on me, but it still hurts to see another guy kiss her. Maybe I should call her. Then again, I could wait a while for her to blow off some steam. And it might be better to tell her in person... I'll just apologize to her tomorrow.

"Kyoya..." Fuyumi started. I just ignored her and made my way to my room.

~ The next day, during first period (not sure what they call it in japan) ~

The biology teacher was in the middle of a lecture when Hikaru and Kaoru ran into the room. The teacher started scolding them for interrupting the class. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance and walked up to the twins with Tamaki trailing behind.

"What do you two idiots want?" I asked the twins.

"Jessica's in the hospital. Her limo is out front waiting to drive us to the there."

I pushed the twins aside and ran down the halls as fast as I could.


"Jessica was in a car accident last night. The impact of the crash was strong enough to throw her head first through the windshield, as she was not wearing a seatbelt." The doctor told us.

"Do you know how long she'll be unconscious for?" I asked.

"We're not exactly sure right now. You see, the brain isn't like a broken bone. It can be very unpredictable. Luckily though, she isn't in a coma, just unconscious. We're estimating that she'll be awake in a few days at least, depending on how fast her brain heals from the impact."

I just nodded, still speechless as my brain was attempting to process both the information and the situation at the same time.

"Anyways, if you have no further questions, I'll be going now. I'll be back to check on her." The doctor said as he left the room.

I heard a phone start ringing and Akihiro quickly answered it. He quickly explained the situation to the caller and ended the call.

"I'm afraid I have to leave now. Take care of her for me Kyoya." Akihiro said as he made his way over to Jessica and kissed her forehead. I noticed his eyes were filled with tears as he pulled away and left the room.

I grabbed her hand and stroked the back of it with my thumb.

Jessica, please get through this...


It's been a week since Jessica was admitted to the hospital. A week full of stress, worry and thoughts about what could go wrong. About the horrible things that could happen to her. Finally, today I got a call from Akihiro telling me that it looked like she was finally going to wake up. I quickly drove to the hospital and once I reached her hospital room, I noticed the nurse in the room. She standing beside Jessica's bed, checking the monitors and everything. Akihiro was sitting in a chair on the other side of her bed. I quietly slipped into the room and tried to make as little noise as I could while pulling up a chair beside Akihiro.

We sat there quietly as she moved her head slightly from side to side before her ice blue orbs started to flutter open. She squinted and let out an almost inaudible groan as she adjusted to the bright light. She took a quick glance around the room before turning to face the nurse.

"Where am I..?" Jessica asked the nurse.

"You're in one of the Ootori family hospitals, sweetie. You were in a car crash and well.. you hit your head badly." The nurse said.

Jessica just nodded and the nurse asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Well you can probably guess that I feel like shit and my head hurts." Jessica said and laughed weakly.

 "Right, well I should get you some pain killers for that. I'll be back in a bit." The nurse said and smiled at her before making her way out of the room.

Jessica turned her head towards me, her eyes filled with confusion as she asked "Who are you...?"

The nurse stopped dead in her tracks and made her way back to Jessica's bed as she heard that sentence spill out of Jessica's mouth. I looked at her in complete shock.

"You... You don't remember me?" I asked as my voice shook slightly.

Jessica shook her head and I felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness settle in my heart.

"No.. I'm sorry. I'm guessing you're my brother and he's my father?" She asked nodded towards Akihiro.

Akihiro laughed awkwardly to lighten up the mood a bit and said "Well... you're half right. I'm your father but-"

"-I'm your boyfriend" I finished for Akihiro.

Jessica, still completely confused, looked at me. The look in her eyes seemed to ask a question she didn't dare to ask out loud. And I could tell the question she was asking herself was "why did I love this man?"

"Sweetie... Do you remember your name?" The nurse asked and Jessica simply shook her head.

"Age?" She shook her head.

"Your birthday?" Again, Jessica shook her head. 

The nurse looked at Akihiro and I, speechless. I just glanced at Jessica who looked at me sadly before getting up and quickly leaving the room. I could hear footsteps chasing after me and I assumed it was the nurse. I turned around and sure enough, it was the nurse.

"We never expected her to have memory loss, though it was a possibility.." She said.

"And no one could have thought to tell us of that possibility?" I asked harshly.

She was at a loss of words for a moment before she regained her thoughts and said "There's a chance she's just having short term memory loss, as a result of the impact and will remember everything after a bit."

"A chance?! A chance isn't good enough for me. I don't need false hope right now, I need facts. I know we're young, but she's the love of my life." I said.

She bit her bottom lip as she was considering her next words carefully. "I understand that but-"

I cut her off and shook my head as I spoke, "No, I'm sorry but you don't understand," 

"She doesn't even remember me!" I exclaimed. The nurse looked at me, shocked by my outburst.

 "The woman who I've loved my whole life doesn't even remember me. Not one thing." I mumbled, looking down as my eyes started to fill with tears. And with that, I ran towards the staircase, down all the steps and out the front doors of the hospital. I ran to my car, unlocked it and got inside. I just sat there as my brain processed everything. Suddenly, a thought hit me like a truck. I slumped forward and rested my forehead on the top of the steering wheel as I sobbed loudly and felt the tear drops land in my lap as the heart shattering thought kept echoing in my mind.

What if her feelings never come back? What if Jessica never loves me again..?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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