The Warg

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The morning sun rose and with it rose the free folk. Naerys woke to the sounds of people moving around and packing up their belongings. A new day has started and with it came new adventures. 

Naerys got out of her sleeping sack. She breathed in the fresh cold air, allowing for the air to fully awaken her. She looked around the small tent to find Jon still sleeping peacefully. The sight made her happy, it was only in his sleep that Jon was truly relaxed and not full of worry. 

Jon was practically her brother. He treated her no differently than he would treat Sansa or Arya. The only peculiar difference is that Naerys shared more resemblance to Jon than his real half-sisters. 

"Jon, wake up," said Naerys as he shook the boy awake. "People are moving, it's time to get a move on". 

Jon woke up and the two helped each other pack up their tent. Surprisingly the two finished right on time, for only moments later Mance called for the wildling herd to start their march once again. 

It was around mid-day when Mance signalled for Jon and Naerys to follow him. They strayed from the path of wildlings and climbed a small hill of snow. There they meet Ygritte, Tormund and Orell. All of the three were staring up at the sky, the only difference was that Orell has clouded eyes. 

"Shouldn't be long now" whispered Mance. Jon and Naerys were confused as the why the group had pulled aside. Naerys looked up and saw a hawk circling around their heads. 

"What's wrong with him?" asked Jon.

"He's a warg" answered Mance. "He can enter to the mind of animals and see through them, he's looking for us"

"What? You've never heard of a warg?" asked Ygritte in disbelief. Jon just gave her a questioning look before looking back up at the soaring hawk. It was true neither of the crows had ever seen a warg or even knew what a warg was previously. 

"Orell" called Mance, breaking him out of this trance. Everyone looked at Orell with interest and concern. "Where were you this time?". 

Orell looked around and replied "The fist of the first men", he was clearly shaken up. Naerys wonder if that was because of the actual process of warging or if it was due to what he saw. 

"What did you see?" asked Mance. 

Orell looked and Naerys briefly before looking directly into Jon's eyes. "Dead crows" he simply replied. With those two words, Naerys heart sank.

The group headed to The Fist of The First Men. As they grew closer Jon and Naerys grew more and more nervous. 

Once they reached their destination, Naerys immediately noticed the bodies on the ground. They approached the bodies of the dead and dismembered horses. 

"Always the artist" mumbled Mance, as he examined the horses. It wasn't until then that she noticed the pattern which the dead horses made. 

Naerys took a step back in disbelief. Without knowing her back hit a stone hard surface. She gasped with fright before she turned around to see what she backed herself into. She had her hand on her swords holder, prepared for the worse. 

She turned around to find that she backed into Tormund, and not a white walker. Naerys visually relaxed before taking a step away from the giant man. 

Tormund just smirked at the white-haired girl as he looked down at her. "Relax, snowflake," he said amusedly before walking closer to Mance.  For that short moment, Naerys just watched him as he moved before following after him. 

She stood beside Tormund and Orell as the smaller group observed their surrounds. 

"There only horse, no men," said Jon, once again confused.

"You said there were dead crows," Naerys asked. 

"There was" answered Orell looking her in the eye to see her reaction. Naerys just looked away and acted unfazed, but in her mind, she was thinking of every possible scenario of how the dead men vanished. 

"How many men were they?" asked Mance. 

"Not three hundred," said Jon.

"And you know what those men are now?" Mance asked again. Jon just looked up at him and nodded. 

Naerys sensed the unsettlement brewing in Jon so she moved closer towards him and placed a delicate hand on his arm. They looked each other in the eyes and had a silent communication. They both understood what was expected from them. 

This exchanged went unnoticed by everyone around them. "They're all the same here, just more meat for their army" stated Mance. 

"Do you think anyone got away here?" Naerys asked. 

"It's not impossible, but you don't go far betting against the walkers" stated Mance. "Dead or alive, they took a big gamble coming north and they lost. Their best fighting men are dead. Whether he's lord commander of the night's watch or a blue-eyed corpse, he's a long way from home" Mance then turned to Tormund. "Tormund, climb the wall. Take Orell and 20 good men. Take this these two. They know Castle Black better than any of us. If their useful good, if they don't throw them off the wall. See if crows can fly"

"We're finally going to war, old friend?" Tormund asked Mance with excitement dancing in his eyes. 

"Fight with me at Castle Black, when I give the signal. They got a big old wall but only guard one side" he replied before the two pulled each other into an embrace. 

"We'll meet again" stated Tormund. 

"Aye, if you do your job" replied Mance slyly before walking off. 

"How will we see your signal," asked Orell, looking at Mance walk away. 

"Send your eagle across the wall every night. When it's time I'm gonna light the biggest fire has ever seen" 

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