The Giant's Bane

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Just like Mance commanded the group of 24 set off towards the wall. 

Tormund led the group with Orell and the others trailing behind them. Ygritte and Jon were at the very back, lost in each other's company. Naerys didn't want to intrude so instead she conversed with Orell. After finding out about wargs she became fascinated. She asked Orell many questions and he gladly answered. The warg had no problem since the girl was very pretty. 

As calm and collected as Naerys personality was, her neutral mask started to crack under the amazement of the world which Orell described to her. To any that knew her, knew that this was a rarity for the white-haired beauty.   

Tormund noticed this. As he turned around to look at the group he was leading he noticed the girl's change in persona. "She never is that interested around me," he thought to himself. Tormund was jealous. It was a strange feeling for him. Whenever he wanted someone or something, he got it for himself in a heartbeat. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted the Targaryen princess, strangely more than anything he has ever wanted. Tormund could not place why though. He couldn't go and take her as he had done with other women. He had seen the way she looked at him, he knew that a part of her wanted him too but it was too soon. For all he knew, he might only have liked her because of her looks and after he deflowered her, his attraction will vanish. And what then? He couldn't leave a little lady like that. As much as he was a wildling, she was not. At least not fully yet. 

After Naerys let out a laugh at whatever Orell had said, that's when Tormund decided that enough was enough. 

"Eh, snowflake" Tormund called at her, making her head snap in his direction. "Come here".  With that, Naerys excused herself from Orell and made her way towards the giant.   

"What is it?" she asked as she got to Tormund's side. 

"You need to be careful with this lot, or a pretty face like yours might be chased" he replied looking down at the girl who caught his interest. He motioned her to keep walking. 

"What would happen if that does happen and I don't want it to?" she asked with concern. 

"You'll have to kill the poor lad" he answered with a chuckle. 

"How about you?" Naerys asked shyly.

Tormund looked down at her confused. "What?"

"Are you married?" she said re-phrasing her question. 

"Not anymore, my wife died birthing my last daughter," he replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said sincerely.  

"Don't be, lass. She left me with three healthy children. The greatest gift a man could ever receive," he said looking at her. 

"Tell me about your children" Naerys demanded softly. 

"My two daughters are back at Mance's camp".

"And the third?"

Tormund smirked at her before he stopped walking and turned around."Eh, Torwyn," he shouted. "Get over here, lad". 

Hearing his father calling, Torwyn who was in the middle of the group of wildlings, picked up his pace and jogged towards Naerys and Tormund. Torwyn looked like the younger version of his father. His long red hair and beard, he was tall and muscular just like his father. The only difference was the visible age difference and that Torwyn was a bit slimmer. 

"Snowflake, this is my boy Torwyn. Torwyn this is Naerys Targaryen" said Tormund introducing the two. 

Torwyn nobbed respectfully at Naerys, while she returned the gesture with a warm smile.

"I never thought I would ever meet a princess, even with planning to go south of the wall," Torwyn said. 

"I'm not much of a princess" Naerys replied with all honestly. 

"I've seen you sparing with the other crow, you'd make a good spearwife."

"That's the goal I guess. After all of this is done and we get the free folk to safety". 

"We should spare after we climb the wall. It'd be interesting to see how southerners fight, might come in use at Castle Black".    

Naerys nodded at Torwyn. "Of course, it would be fun kicking your ass". 

"Don't get ahead of yourself princess" Torwyn replied slyly making Naerys let out a light laugh. 

"Is your last name Giantsbane too?" she asked both of the red-headed men. 

"Nah, we free folk aren't as fancy as you southerners. You have to earn your name here," Torwyn explained.

"Plus my boy here hasn't slain a giant" Tormund boomed, slapping his son's shoulder. 

Naerys was amused, to say the least. "So you actually killed a giant," she asked. 

Tormund smirked at the Targaryen before saying, "Now why would you doubt a mighty man like me? It was winter and I was half a boy, and stupid the way boys are. I went too far and my horse died and then a storm caught me. A true storm, not no little dusting such as this. I knew I'd freeze to death before it broke. So I found me a sleeping giant, cut open her belly, and crawled up right inside her. Kept me warm enough, she did, but the stink near did for me. The worst thing was, she woke up when the spring come and took me for her babe. Suckled me for three whole moons before I could get away. There's times I miss the taste o' giant's milk, though."

"And you killed her?"Naerys asked. 

"I never did, but see you don't go spreading that about. Tormund Giantsbane has a better ring to it than Tormund Giantsbabe, and that's the honest truth o' it." he replied. 

Torwyn looked surprised. "Out of all my years, I've never heard you tell that tale, father" he spoke to Tormund. 

"It's not one I tend to tell" he replied. 

Torwyn then realized that the Targaryen Princess could possibly soon be his new mother. 

The group continued there trek towards to wall.  After a while, Torwyn went back to walk with the other people from their tribe. Leaving Naerys and Tormund to chat the remainder of the march. They found peace and comfort in each other's company, despite their drastic age difference. The two learned a lot about each other. Naerys told Tormund about her great-granduncle Aemon and her life at Castle Black, while Tormund barged about his adventures and wild experiences. 

Naerys realized that Tormund was the most unpredictable man she had ever meet. He was wild, flirty, and inappropriate but at the same time, he was wise and a true leader. She realized how much his tribe and his children meant to him and that he constantly risked himself for his people. This made Naerys admire him even more. 

After their endless conversations, Tormund feelings for Naerys grow as well. He was amazed at everything about her. How small yet fierce she was. How she was brave yet calm. She was truly a little lady but at the same time she could fight and fend for herself. She was unlike anyone Tormund had even meet. 

He made loved his late wife and the other women who he shared warmth with. But they were all tough and bear-like. Naerys was tough as well but she had a soft side to her. She was unique and complex, everything needed to keep Tormund's interest stable. 

The two were polar opposites but at the same time completely perfect for each other. And the more they talked the more they both started to realize it. 

"You know, you're not like any other women I know," said Tormund.

Naerys looked up at him and simply replied, "Good". 

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