The Match Made In Heaven

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For the first time since they crossed the wall, the band of wildling set up camp for the night. At this rate, the group was accustom to the constant settling down and packing back up. Within the hour camp was ready and made, and everyone was resting. 

Jon watched his best friend from across the campfire. It worried him how close she was getting to the giant. 

Naerys and Tormund sat at a slight distance from others in their group. They laughed and whispered sweet nothings to each other. As tough as both of their personalities were, they had a soft spot for each other. It was as clear as a sunny day in Dorne that two were in love, even though neither of them has realized it yet. 

This made Jon second guess his plan. He had a duty which honour had obligated him to complete. He thought Naerys understood this duty as they were one and the same when it comes to their morals but he questioned whether her new found relationship with Tormund had shifted her loyalties. Ygritte had definitely made him second guess himself ten times over, but deep down he knew he had to stick to his vows. Vows that Naerys never had to take. 

A few steps away Ygritte was doing the same. She was watching Naerys and Tormund interact. In her mind, the closer the dragon and the giant got, the higher the chances that she would have her Jon forever. 

She loved Jon and had the most faith in him, but deep down she knew that Jon will always be more loyal to Naerys than he would be to her. 

That is why Ygritte needed Naerys to commit herself fully to Tormund, not just because the couple were right for each other, but because her sanity depended on it.   

One of Tormund's sons called Tormund to tell a tale, he would probably have told half a dozen times.  Tormund left, leaving Naerys by herself. 

Ygritte took this opportunity and quickly made her way to sit beside the silver-haired beauty.

"You and Tormund were looking pretty cozy for a while," Ygritte said starting their conversation.

"As were you and Jon, if I recall correctly" Naerys replied with a smile, bumping shoulders with the spearwife playfully.   

"I would have never suspected you two would match. Tormund's previous wives were very different than you are" 

"How so?" questioned Naerys.

"Well for one, they were a lot bigger" jested Ygritte. 

Naerys chuckled lightly, "almost every one is bigger than me, that is not surprising". 

"Aye, but not just in size. Both were outgoing, had big personalities and even bigger mouths. They took what they wanted, and like many other women they wanted him", Ygritte explained trying to subtly plant seeds into Naerys brain. 

"They sound like quite the women," Naerys said, not getting the hint. 

"It's a shame they both have passed. They would have found it amusing that you lot haven't boned yet". 

Naerys eyes widened with shook, "excuse me?", she questioned. 

"We are the free folk, we take who we want when we want, and where we want. If you want him, you're going to have to take him"

"I don't believe he wants me like that. He's never made a move," said Naerys worriedly. 

"He has plenty of children, and you're a maid. He doesn't want to taint his little snowflake" Ygritte reasoned in a jestful manner. 

"I can't just throw myself at him"

"Yes, you can. He would love it. You can see it in his eyes. Every time he looks at you, he imagines you naked" Ygritte sad bumping Naerys shoulder playfully. 

"We're going to war" Naerys half-heartedly countered. 

"All the more reason to get it in. Tormund is a man of experience. Your last days would be spent in bliss" 

"You're not going to give up no matter what I say, are you?" questioned Naerys jokingly.

"You got that right, lass. Just make a move, trust me you'll regret it if you don't" Said Ygritte before she got up to go find to Jon. 

Ygritte's words echoed in Naerys head for the rest of the night. The thought of laying with Tormund had frequently crossed her mind, but after that conversation, she felt an increased need to act upon her desires. 

Her mind was made. War was at their front door and if she didn't act now, she may never get the chance. 

So that she did. Naerys drank a whole cup full of northern alcohol before making her way to Tormund's tent. 

It was past midnight and everyone had retired for the night. 

"Tormund" she called softly as she entered his tent. 

He sat on his make-shift bed. He was shirtless and it looked like he was previously tending to his wounds. 

He looked up at the Targaryen and smile, "what brings you here, lass?" he questioned. 

Naerys took in the sight of the red-headed giant before taking a deep breath and going to sit beside him. Her face burned up with a blush, and she prayed that it was not showing. 

"Nothing in particular," She said as she took a cloth and started to clean his wounds. "I just wanted your company", she continued. 

Tormund admired the girl as she did her work, she truly was an angel sent from above. He kissed her head in admiration. But he wasn't stupid, he knew women. He knew when a woman had something on her mind. 

"You can tell anything, snowflake. What's bothering ya?", he asked. 

Naerys was silent for a second, pretending to concentrate on her work. She had moved on from cleaning his wounds to dressing them with a bandage. "War is coming" she started slightly unsure how to continue. "One of us might not make it" she stated. 

"I won't let anything happen to you," Tormund said quickly.  

"It's not me I'm worried about," she said, not looking him in the eyes. She focused her gaze onto his arm as she wrapped a cloth around an open gash he must have gotten from scrapping himself on the wall while they climbed. "I don't know what I'd do without you"

Tormund smiled at her, "Don't tell me a brave dragon like you, has fallen for a wildling" he joked. 

"I have, I don't know what the future has in store for me but what I do know is that I need you in it" She exclaimed looking into his eyes for the first time. 

"I am yours and you are mine, snowflake," he said lifting his hand to caress her face. 

"But" Naerys started but was cut off.

"No buts. We will deal with whatever comes our way, as they come our way," Tormund reassured. 

Naerys smiled lovingly, "I am yours and you are mine" she repeated. 


Naerys reached up to meet Tormunds lips. They started off with soft loving kisses but as the need for each other increased so did their passion and lust for each other. 

Tormund lifted his snowflake onto his lap so that she was saddling him before leaning back to lay on the bed. They explored each other's bodies with their hands. Tormund was delighted at how small yet womanly Naerys figure was. And Naerys was amazed at how muscular Tormund was. 

Their kissing intensified as their tongues collided and fought for dominance. Eventually, Tormund won, making them both smile. Naerys fussed to take off his breeches. 

Tormund pulled away and looked her in her eyes, "Are you sure?" he questioned, " If we go further I won't be able to stop myself". 

Naerys drew him back into a kiss before saying, "I don't want you to stop". 

That was all it took. 

The two spent the rest of the night endlessly making love and promising each other their unconditional love. 

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