The Cave

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The company of free folk ended their marching for the day and set up camp for the night. 

They stopped alongside a pond. Naerys noticed that the pond was not frozen over so she asked Ygritte to accompany her to investigate. She reasoned that since the water was not frozen, yet there was still lots of ice and snow on the ground that there must be a hot spring nearby, heating the pond. Naerys had guessed correctly, there was indeed a hot spring in a cave hidden from sight.  

"Finally a break from this horrible cold," said Naerys referring to the warm cave.

"Tell me about it, when was the last time you properly bathe?" asked Ygritte. 

"Far too long ago"

"Well, what are you waiting for," said the wildling as she undressed and entered the natural pool of hot water. 

Naerys hesitated at first but then followed the wildling's actions. No one had ever seen her naked before, but she had heard that ladies of wealthier houses have handmaidens who bathe them so that thought eased her shyness. 

Naerys slipped into the water on the opposite side of Ygritte. As the hot water hit her skin, she immediately relaxed and began to enjoy her escape from the cold.

"You've got sense, for a princess," said Ygritte impressed at Naerys findings. 

"You'd have to in order to survive to be the only girl at Castle Black," said Naerys replying to her unlikely friend.

"Why is that?"

"Being surrounded by men for my whole life, I needed to be smart or else I would have definitely been raped. I'm the only women miles of the wall and the night's watch consists of criminals. You never know who could overpower and take advantage of me, even if I know how to fight," Naerys explained. 

"You've never been touched by a man before?" asked Ygritte in disbelief.  

"No, I haven't" replied Naerys blushing, she tried to hide her blush by scrubbing her skin clean of dirty and focusing on her task. 

"Tormund is in for a treat then, little maid," the red-head said trying to get a reaction out of the Targaryen. Naerys just blushed even more and acted like she didn't hear Ygritte. "So you do like him huh" she continues as her smile gets brighter. 

"He's almost twice my age," said Naerys trying to debunk Ygritte's statement.  

"You didn't deny it"

"Is there any use?"

"No, it's too easy to tell"

"You want Jon," Naerys said in retaliation. 

"Obviously, I want him to fuck me until my legs are numb," Ygritte said as a matter of fact. 

"What's stopping you?"

"We've been marching for days"


"Fine, I'll get him before sundown. Bring him to this very cave"

"I'll know where to avoid" 

"You should bring Tormund here after I'm done, I'll be quick with Jon Snow. You'll have plenty of time," teased Ygritte. 

"You can take all the time you want, I won't be laying with anyone anytime soon" 

"You're making the poor man suffer, "Ygritte laughed. 

"He doesn't want me," Naerys said obliviously. 

"He hasn't been able to take his eyes off you since you've met"

"He probably doesn't trust me"

"That man is the head of my tribe, I've known him since I was a babe. I can tell when he wants someone." 

"Do you really think so?" asked Naerys with hope in her eyes. 

"You're a free woman, Naerys Targaryen. Go make him your bitch"

Ygritte's words echoed in Naerys's head. She found it hard to believe that someone as wild and interesting like  Tormund Giantsbane could possibly be smitten with her.

After their bath in the hot spring, Naerys and Ygritte met up with Jon and decided to get firewood. Jon and Ygritte bantered like always while Naerys was too caught up in her thoughts...... like always. 

The trio carried their firewood towards where Tormund and Orell were waiting. As they approached, the two wildlings eyes were on the trio, Jon specifically. 

"Orell says that there are crows patrolling on the wall. Tell me what you know?" demanded Tormund as Orell walked up to Jon in a confrontational manner. 

"There are four to a patrol," replied Naerys. 

"Two builders to check for structural damage, two rangers to watch for enemies" Jon continued looking down.

"How often do patrols go out?" asked Orell.

"It varies. If I knew where on the wall, I could tell you" Jon answered.

"You'd like to know that," Orell said with distrust and aggression. "There are 19 castles guarding the wall, how many are maned?"

Jon looked Orell in the eyes before answering, "Three". 

"You sure about that?" pushed Orell. Jon just nodded. "Which three?"

"Castle Black"

"Aye, Castle Black. Everyone knows Castle Black. Which others?" 

The tension in the air was so thick that it could have been easily cut with a sword. Jon and Orell just starred each other in confrontation. 

"East-Watch-By-The-Sea and the Shadow Tower" Jon replied after moments of anticipation. 

"How many men remain in Castle Black," asked Tormund, bring the attention to himself. His eyes were locked onto Jon's face searching for signs of dishonesty and treachery. 

"A thousand," said Jon.

"Liar," accused Orell.

That was the last straw for Jon. He dropped the firewood he was carrying and step closer to Orell in a threatening manner. "What happens to your eagle when I kill you? Does he just drift away like a kit when it's the string is cut or will it fall dead to the ground?" Jon threatened. 

"He's no crow" defended Ygritte.

"Just cause you want him inside you, doesn't make you one of us" rebutted Orell.

"I'm not scared of you," said Ygritte drawing out her blade. Orell moved closer and push Ygritte, Naerys being right behind her was pushed back too as Ygritte fell back. 

That seemed to have triggered Tormund and he stood up and grabbed Orell by the throat, pushing him down to the ground. Tormund then moved forward to move inches away from Jon. "I like you boy, but if you lie to me I will pull your guts out through your throat" he threatened. 

"A thousand men," said Jon sternly. 

"He's not lying," Naerys lied to protect her friend.

Tormund seemed to trust her more. He looked her dead in the eyes before accepting their word. "We'll see soon enough," he said starring at Jon before walking away. 

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