The Wall

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Days had passed after Naerys had injured her foot, but being the fierce dragon she was, she did not let a little bit of pain stop her. 

The march continued and within days they were finally at their destination. 

Thousands of feet in the air stood the infamous Wall. Naerys had lived at the Wall for her whole life but never has it felt as daunting as it did to her in that very moment. 

Naerys stood with Jon, Ygritte, Orell and Tormund. Despite the tension between Orell and Jon, the five throughout the journey had stuck together for the most part. The group prepared for their climb. They were fixing their shoes, making sure all of their supplies were properly put away in their bags, adjusting what needed to be adjusted, and overall preparing themselves mentally for the climb ahead. 

"It used to be you won't find a tree miles of the Wall. Crows would come out every morning with axes," said Tormund as Orell helped him secure roped onto his back. After that was successfully done he walked away to see if Torwyn was prepared.

"Your flock gets smaller every year," said Orell being an asshole, as usual, trying to provoke Jon. He too walked away from the group. 

Jon just stared at him with despise. Jon was usually the type to fight back, but for whatever reason, he didn't say anything. Naerys could tell that he was scared, and judging by the looks Ygritte was giving the two, Ygritte could tell as well. 

Ygritte gave Naerys a look, the Targaryen nodded understand what Ygritte meant before walking away to give the couple some space. 

Naerys didn't go far. She found a log a couple steps away and sat on it. She undressed her injured foot to see how it was holding up. 

"It's getting better," said Tormund as he made his way over to Naerys.

She looked up at him and smile, "Is Torwyn ready?" she asked ignoring his previous statement. 

Tormund kneeled in front of her and took her foot in his hands to examine it for himself. "Aye, a little too ready. How about you, lass?" 

"As ready as I could ever be," she said shrugging. 

Tormund looked pleased with her recovery and began to re-dress her foot. "You're scared" he stated. 

"It's a long way down" 

"I won't let anything happen to you"

"You have more important people to worry about," Naerys said looking into his eyes. 

"I always put my people in front of myself, you are my people now," he said staring back into her eyes.  

Naerys blushed feverishly, "Have you done this before?" she asked trying to bring attention away from her face. 

"Half a hundred times"

"That's reassuring"

Tormund pulled out a pair of shoe hooks from his bag and started to fasten it tightly onto the bottom of Naerys's feet. "When you're climbing just focus on me, I'll be right above you. Don't look down it will make you feel worse. Sink your hooks in securely before moving. Do not move until you are certain." he instructed. 

He pulled Naerys onto her feet and handed her two hooks, and pulled her close to him. "I won't let anything happen to you," he said again holding her small face in his massive hands. He searched her eyes and face for any signs of doubt or worry, but due to his words, he found none. 

He let her go and went back to making sure the rest of the group was ready. Naerys walked him walk away for a while before turning to find Jon. 

Before they knew it, it was time to climb the Wall. 

The Heart of a Giant- Tormund GiantsbaneWhere stories live. Discover now