Prologue Pt. 1

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20 Years Later

King Grant

I looked up at Fantasy, one of the many women my grandfather, Quentin, kept around at his beckoning call. I never knew the extent of their relationship, but I figured it was something sexual since she was always at his club or always in his bedroom at our house.

Nonetheless, Fantasy always took care of me since my grandfather was always taking trips out of town, running his club, or handling business that never went into detail about. I don't know all of what he does, but my mother, Heiress, was always away with him on these business trips. So, Fantasy was always with me.

Fantasy gripped tighter on my hand as she pushed open my grandfather's office door at his club so we could come inside. She's been saying all day that she has a surprise for me, but she won't tell me what it is.

"Fantasy, can I know what my surprise is now?" I eagerly bounced around the office, anticipating on what was to come next.

She sat behind my grandfather's desk with a smile on her face. "Your surprise is on the way. Your mother's going to bring it to you. Just hold tight baby."


Within a few minutes, my mother walked through the door with another woman following behind her. The woman behind her was tall and dark skinned, and honestly a very pretty woman, but she was so frail and thin. She was so small that her sickly image took away from the beauty that lied beneath the dirt, skin, and bones that made up this woman.

Her eyes lit up once she laid eyes on me and the smile on her face spread from ear to ear. The twinkle in her eyes showed me that she was on the verge of tears, and as soon as she made contact with me, warm tears streamed down her cheeks and wet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt I was wearing.

"H-Hi King," she uttered in between cries.

I scrunched up my face and looked back at Fantasy, confused about how she knew my name since we just met.

"It's all right. You can hug her," she reassured me.

I scrunched up my face and hugged the warm, sickly stranger that seemed to know me. Her embrace was warm and inviting, unlike some of the other family members my grandfather and mother have introduced me to. I don't know anything about my father's side though, only my mother's. Mama claimed he left us when she found out she was pregnant with me, which is why grandpa is so prevalent in our lives. He stepped up and became my father figure.

"I love you so much," she cried against my shoulder. "I just want you to know that baby. I know you may not know me, but I definitely know you and I love you with everything in me."

I slightly pulled away from her, really confused. How could she love me if we've never met before? Well, I don't wanna be mean to her and not say it back since she looks so sick. "I love you too," I smiled widely, wrapping my arms around her neck and hugging her again.

She rocked me back in forth in her arms, silently crying against my shoulder, for what seemed like forever. But I didn't mind though. I felt so bad for her because she looked so sick, so I followed her movements and rocked back and forth against her too. We kept hugging until mama snatched the woman away from me, confusing me even more.

"King, why don't you show Amber some of the stuff you've drawn at day care. I'm sure she'd love to see it," Fantasy spoke up from behind the desk.

I took off running behind the desk and grabbed a large stack of papers that I always colored with when I came here. Grandpa liked to keep me busy coloring and drawing all the time for him. I walked back over to the woman and sat them on the floor so I could show her everything I've been drawing.

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