Chapter 9

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By the time I left Mama's house, I just found myself driving. I wasn't driving anywhere in particular, but I was driving as far away from that house and those people that I could. I wanted to create distance because they were all coming at me at once and I couldn't process everything. Mama was in one ear telling me they were all delusional, lying drug addicts, but then I had three other people in the other ear all telling me something contradicting what Mama was saying but they were all telling the same story.

I wanted to believe Mama so badly, and part of me still does, but how could three people who haven't communicated on a personal level in decades all come to me with the exact same story? And based on how shocked H was about seeing that guy Nova, I know they haven't seen each other in awhile. So how could they all have the same story and there be no honesty behind it? 

It all had me confused and had my mind racing because I didn't know I was walking into a trap tonight. I thought we were just discussing family business like H leaving the club, since she was one of the women that made us the most money. I wasn't expecting to have my title stripped, be taken out of the will and to be erased by my own mother like I don't mean shit to her.

And a baby? She's got to be out of her mind if she thinks I believe anything about her being pregnant. I mean, she's too old. She's well into her 40s and pushing 50 soon, so there's no way she can have an actual baby this late in life. I mean, it's not impossible, but it's not likely. And who is she to give this baby everything that I'm deserving of?

She put me through years of verbal and emotional torture and physical abuse before shipping me off to a boarding school my sophomore year of high school because I was "too bad and a menace to our family". Those were her words, not mine. But those words stuck with me because she constantly threw them up in my face to make me feel bad and I did feel bad. 

Sitting alone in my room in boarding school gave me a lot of time to think and contemplate what I'd done wrong. What I'd done to make Mama so mad at me that she'd ship me off across the country and not contact me until I graduated. Had she hated me that much or was that just the beginning of her trying to get rid of me? If that's the case, then this was all making sense. She'd been trying to ship me off and remove me from the family for years.

Even when I graduated, came back and was kissing her ass to try to make things work for the betterment of the business and our family, I still wasn't good enough in her eyes. I wanted my Mama to love me. I mean, what kid doesn't want approval from their own mother? But it's like, no matter what I did or how good I was, she always found a way to criticize me and tear me down. She always made me feel like I was back in that mindset I had in boarding school.

I felt alone in my own world and the only person I could ever talk to about my problems was H. No matter what, she was always there for me. The times I'd come to the club drunk, high, upset or even in the middle of the night, she'd always be there to listen. She could've been bruised up by my Mama or high, but she always made time to listen to me and my shit and that meant the world to me because I wasn't getting it from my Mama, who should have been giving me that time and affection.

Hell, even Fantasy took better care of me than my own Mama. I just figured she was like a maid or something and that was her job, but I never thought it was personal. I figured she was just doing her job since her and Mama were never close, but I always wondered why she was still working for us if Mama hated her so much. Why wouldn't she just fire her if she hated Fantasy so much? But the more I think about it, she probably kept Fantasy around to mentally torture her the way she was doing to H. The only difference was that she hadn't stuck Fantasy in the brothel the same way she had done to H. 

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