Chapter 1

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"With who's baby?" I asked, even though I was more than sure she was pregnant with my child. Hennessy wasn't fucking around on me the way I was fucking around on her. I knew she was faithful to me, regardless of the shit I was doing with other bitches. I just wanted to see what she'd say though.

She sighed. "Yours King, damn. I don't know why you even gotta ask me that."

"Well, shit, I just gotta be sure."

"I'm not like you, okay? And I'm already scared as it is; I don't need you questioning me about things you already know the answer to. I don't know how to take care of a baby King. What am I gonna do?"

"I got'chu, don't worry about nothing, okay? We can do this."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah," I lied, even though I wasn't too sure about raising a child either, but I mean, niggas do it everyday and some of them are younger than both of us. I'm sure we can figure something out for the benefit of our child.

"Maybe your Mama can help u--"

"No. Hell no," I cut her off. "I don't want my Mama involved, at all. Matter of fact, don't even tell nobody you carrying my seed."

I don't know where she's getting off thinking I want my Mama involved in raising a child when she already fucked me up. If I want my kid to be fucked up, all I gotta do is send 'em her way because her and Grandpa definitely fucked my ass up. If I have a say in things, I won't even tell Mama Hennessy's pregnant, because next thing I know, she'll be urging her to get an abortion once she finds out who Hennessy really is. Shit. Her name, alone, will turn Mama off enough to make her want to get rid of the baby.

I just don't need my Mom involved in anything I'm doing. I don't need anybody to know what I got going on right now, especially now that Hennessy's pregnant with my baby. After I killed them niggas in Miami, it's no telling who might be coming after me, so I gotta lay low the next few months. And if I'm laying low, that means my family needs to do the same.

"Damn. You that embarrassed by me now King?" She sighed. "Maybe I shouldn't have this baby if you already don't want people to know I'm carrying your child. I just don't know why you wouldn't want your Mom to know about it."

I sighed. "Because my Mama's fucked up in the head, a'ight?" I admitted to her. Of course I told Hennessy about my life, but I never went into detail about my Mama, my Grandpa, why Fantasy raised me instead of my Mama, or what I really do for a living. She knows I'm pushing weight and doing shit I don't have any business doing, but she doesn't know the magnitude of the shit I'm involved in and it's best I keep it this way. She doesn't need to know everything. "I don't want her to get in your head and have you doing something crazy."

"I wouldn't do any--"

"You already talking about not having the baby. You done said something about not having the baby twice already and that's not sitting well with me. Look, I know you're scared or whatever but you don't wanna get involved with my family, especially my Mother. She'll fuck you up in ways you wouldn't imagine. Okay?"

She nodded her head. "Yeah, okay," she mumbled. 

"I'm serious ma. Believe me if you want, but don't go meddling around in some shit with my family, please. You not built for this life, so drop it."

And with that, I walked out of her house and got in my car since I needed to go to Grandpa's club. I didn't have time to sit and discuss my family with Hennessy. I'm just not ready to tell her about my life yet, but I'll let her know when I am ready though. And once she knows about the shit my mama put me through growing up, she'll understand why I'm keeping them apart. 

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